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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Play-Doh Valentines with Printable Labels

I love Valentine's Day.
Not the cheesy cards or the really expensive roses...but the fact that we have a whole day just to celebrate love! I remember Valentine's Day as a kid being so much fun, especially all the great goodies that we got during our class Valentine's Day party. The first few years that my boys were little, I would pick up a box of generic Valentines and let them give them to a few of their friends. But I soon realized that you could do so much more for Valentine's Day if you think outside the box! Last year I turned some clearance Tootsie Roll banks into a Sweet and Simple Valentine Favor. They turned out really cute, so this year the bar was set kind of high! I started thinking of  Valentine's ideas as soon as the Christmas decorations came down. I toyed with a few different ideas and ended up going with this cute Play-Doh Valentine after I found the 24 pack on sale last week:)
 I picked up two boxes {one for Henry's class and one for Grant's class} of regular sized Play-Doh at Target on sale for $12.99 each. When you do the math the cans of Play-Doh end up only costing a little over 50 cents each. You could also try this with the smaller party sized cans of Play-Doh, but they weren't really much cheaper than the regular sized ones. I created a fun circle label {just the right size for the regular sized Play-Doh lid} that said "Doh" you want to be my Valentine? using a tutorial I found on pinterest. 

{Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at sharing a printable and I'm not really sure what I am doing.}
Just right click on the image below and save it to your computer. Open it up in any editing software and add your kiddos name beside each of the hearts. You could also let them write their name in if you didn't want to edit it. Test print one on a sheet of regular paper first to make sure the circle are the right size for your paper cutter and the Play-Doh lids, then you simple print out as many copies as you need onto sticker paper. The page is formatted to print out on a regular 8.5 X 11 piece of paper. On my computer I have to select fit to printable area to make sure the circles are just the right size.
{A couple of readers have emailed me saying they can't get the printable to work just right when they right click and save. If you are having trouble with it send me an email  & I can send you a copy, contact me at kellibwilson (at) gmail (dot) com.}

Once you get your labels printed, use a 2 inch circle cutter to cut them out.
 Peel off the back of the stickers and place them on the lids of your Play-Doh.
 Then stack them up a take a ton of pictures because they turned out so cute! 
You could also dress them up a little more by adding some pretty ribbon or tulle...but I figured my boys would be happier without the added decoration! 
This really is a fun Valentine to give, and it worked out  perfect that there are 24 cans of Play-Doh in a box and both of my boys have 24 kids in their class. The fun part of the big box of Play-Doh is that their are ton of different colors so the boys can go home with a can of blue or green and the girls can have all the pink ones:)

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Tatertots and Jello
Serenity Now
Decor Chic
Someday Crafts
Skip to my Lou

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Valentine Chalkboard Candy Boxes

I love a good holiday tradition, and if it involves candy then it's even better:) For Christmas one of my greatest candy memories is getting those cute Lifesaver Books in my stocking, and for Valentine's day nothing says tradition like a little heart shaped box full of chocolates. I remember every year my dad would come home from work with three of those little heart shaped boxes in tow...and even though my sisters and I had been eating candy all day at school, those candy boxes just seemed special. 

But let's be honest here....those store bought heart shaped candy boxes really aren't the cutest thing ever. I mean I took my time and picked out a few of the better looking ones at Target, and they still just really aren't my style. The great thing is, it's easy to make these candy boxes SUPER cute and all it took was a little chalkboard paint to get these:
from these:
 I started with three candy boxes that I picked up at Target for $1 each, chalkboard paint, and a foam brush...easy, peasy!
 Take the plastic off your candy box then start painting. I painted a few thin layers of the chalkboard paint with my foam brush. The paint won't adhere great the first couple of coats because more than likely your box will be made of shiny cardboard. Be patient and let each coat dry and then add another. I ended up doing four coats. Here's a picture after the first coat:
 You may have a little bit of warping because of the moisture of the paint, but it's not a big deal just lay the heart flat upside down after it dries to straighten it out. After your paint is completely dry, prime the surface by rubbing chalk all over it and then wiping it off.
 Then grab some chalk and have fun. You can decorate your Valentine Chalkboard Candy Box anyway you like. Add that special someone's name, put a fun Valentine's Day saying, or just draw a bunch of hearts. If you don't like your first design, just erase it and start over:)
I am planning on adding the boys names to a few candy boxes to give them for Valentine's Day. This would also be an adorable teacher's gift with a special message or picture added by your kiddo!

Linking up here..
Tatertots and Jello
Serenity Now
Decor Chic
Someday Crafts
Skip to my Lou

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Meet Phoebe the Puppy

I don't know if I've mentioned this before or not, but I am really not a dog person. I don't know why exactly. I do remember that I was terrified of dogs as a child...maybe that has something to do with it. But I just am not a dog {or really any kind of animal} person. We had a few puppies growing up and I'm sure I played with them at some point, but I don't really remember ever being super attached to any of them. Now just because I'm not a huge fan of dogs doesn't mean that I don't want my boys to enjoy having a pet. We actually had a dog a few years ago {Corndog} who had an unfortunate accident with a car...but it's been a few years since the boys had a pet. 
Over Christmas break, my parents got a cute little part beagle part dachshund puppy. 
And my boys {especially Henry} fell in love. 
After seeing how much they loved playing with Eddie, I knew it was time to get them a puppy...and luckily Eddie had a sister that needed a home too.
And so we got Phoebe:
 She is actually a really good puppy.
She plays well with the boys, hasn't tore up much in the yard, knows to stay away from our cars, doesn't bark loudly, only eats a little bit of food, and she poops in out of way places:)
We bought her a cute little wooden dog house and she has a pillow and blanket. For the most part she is content to nap in the sun during the day and sleep in her doghouse at night. We have let her in the house on the few cold nights we've had...and she is great about coming in and going straight to her little kennel by the back door. 
 Phoebe is getting pretty good at playing fetch. She loves the little squeaky balls the boys picked out for her a few weeks ago, and she also like to play with stray socks that the boys leave outside by the trampoline. Eli usually goes out and plays with her for a little bit in the mornings while Henry and Grant are at school...and she really gets some fun play time in the afternoons with all three boys:) So far the boys have been pretty good about taking care of her...Henry is in charge of food and Grant is in charge of water. And Henry is now officially on pooper scooper duty too!
 So for now, I am trying my best to a dog person...and I have to say, it's actually nice to have another girl around the house!

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Let's Go Fishing

 Give a man a fish
 and you feed him for a day.
 Teach a man to fish
 and you feed him for a lifetime.
 Chinese Proverb

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

100 Days

Today is Henry and Grant's 100th day of school. Their school always has a fun 100th Day Party with all kinds of fun 100 activities. Earlier this week both boys took baggies with 100 items in them {Henry took toothpicks and Grant took Conversation Hearts} to share with their class. And yesterday the boys and I helped Grant's teachers hang 100 balloons from the ceiling of their classroom.
Yesterday I was also up to my eyeballs in cake and homemade buttercream icing:) Grant's teacher asked last week if I would make a 100 cake for their class, and I was more than happy to help out!

 Honestly making a 100 cake really isn't that hard. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that all you need is a rectangular piece of cake and two round cakes. I mixed up two store bought box mixes. One I place in a 13X9 pan and the other I divided into two round 9" pans. After the cakes baked and cooled, I stuck them in the freezer to harder up. I've learned the hard way that boxed cakes don't keep their shape well when you cut them unless they are pretty close to frozen. After about an hour in the freezer I pulled out the two round cakes and used a 3" round cookie cutter to cut a hole in the center. To make the one, I lined the almost frozen 13X9 cake up next to the zero and cut it as proportionally as I could {sorry I forgot to measure how big the one was}.
 After I had the cakes cut and ready, I did a crumb coat of buttercream icing. I used the Vanilla Buttercream recipe from Cookies & Cups and it work really well. After I did the crumb coat I stuck them back in the freezer to chill for about 10 minutes. Then I added the final coat of icing. It's not perfect by any means...one of the reasons I don't make cakes often is because I can never get the icing as perfect as I want it. But the pretty M&M's distract you from the imperfections:)

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