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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Project Chicken Coop: Pinterest Inspiration

The week between Christmas and New Years at our house was spent working on a fun outdoor project: a chicken coop. We made quite a lot of progress during that time and I have a lot of pictures to share with you. But before I show you what we came up with, I thought it would be fun to share some of the inspiration that I found on Pinterest. It still amazes me how much stuff there is on Pinterest!


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Thursday, January 10, 2013

10 on 10

 9:00 am: At the track getting in a little walk/jog.
10:00 am: Putting dinner in the crock pot.
11:00 am: Doing a little research for a ski trip we may take in a few weeks.
12:00 pm: Orange for a snack.
1:00 pm: Picking up Eli from Preschool
 2:00 pm: My day just isn't complete without doing a little bit of laundry!
 3:00 pm: Raining while we wait in the school pick up line.
4:00 pm: Boys playing with Play-Doh.
5:00 pm: Looking over Henry and Grant's report cards. They both got all A's!
 6:00 pm: Dinner is served.

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

2012 Recap Via Instagram

I have really enjoyed keeping up with my monthly Instagram recaps so I thought it would be fun to put together a whole 2012 recap with one Instagram picture from each month! It was hard to narrow down, but I love that I can see 12 pictures and be reminded of so many things that we did throughout 2012!
First picture with Phoebe.
 Saturday morning soccer games.

 Eli wrote his name for the first time. I was pretty impressed because we haven't really worked on it!

 Early morning P90X workout
 Setting up camp at the Grand Canyon.
 Our view in Malibu:
 Launching model rockets...and getting awesome {and lucky} pictures of it!
 Our road flooded and we had to evacuate in a National Guard Hummer. The boys were thrilled...I was not!
We watched the Bulldogs play football.
 The boys in the costumes ready for some fun!
 We did lots of hiking at Fall Creek Falls State Park.
 The boys practice with their new bows in their Christmas pjs on Christmas morning.

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Friday, January 4, 2013

December Recap Via Instagram

We started December off with a fun community Christmas parade with friends.
Henry and Grant were a shepherd and a wiseman in our church Christmas program.

 We got our Christmas tree up and lit...but no decorations yet:)
 Grant won first place in his school's reading fair!
 I baked lots of yummy food for a family get together.
 Our Christmas cards came in the mail! I love seeing that big orange box on the porch!
 I went to Henry's WINGS class to make some yummy marshmallow snowmen.
 I edited a couple of our Christmas shots...and outtakes.
 I went to Grant's WINGS class to make marshmallow snowmen too!
 Snowman waffles!
 I worked on a cute reindeer shirt for Eli.
We went to a local church and participated in the Bethlehem Experience.
 Eli had a Christmas party...
 ...Henry had a Christmas party...
 ...and Grant had a Christmas party!
We decorated gingerbread boys.
 We went to Target to pick out our traditional Christmas Eve ornaments.
 Santa came to our house.
 The boys practice with their new bows in their Christmas pjs on Christmas morning.
 I wished you all a Merry Christmas!
We looked at few ideas for a little project.
 We got a TON of free pallets from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.
 We spent quite a few days after Christmas working on our chicken coop which is still a work in progress.
We ended 2012 with a fun trip to a hibachi grill for yummy Japanese food and fun chopsticks:)

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