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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The {Preschool} Graduate

Henry graduated from Preschool tonight.
I can't believe he is already 5 years old and getting ready to start Kindergarten in the fall.
I know a lot of people were sad tonight, but I have to say I was more excited and proud than I was sad!
I know that I will go through Preschool graduation at least two more times, and I am sure I will be sad when I sit in that audience for the last time.
But for tonight, I was SUPER proud of my little big boy for doing such a great job in school all year!
And even more excited to see what the future holds for him!!
Henry: Class of 2022
For the first part of the program the 4 year old classes did a "What I want to be when I grow up" skit!
Henry was a Train Conductor.
He said:
I am going to be a Train Conductor
Along the rails I'll ride
Please stop when you see me coming
So we will not collide!

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Monday, May 11, 2009

I Heart Faces Week 18 Laughter

Go check out the I Heart Faces blog to see all the cute faces in this week's contests!

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