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Monday, March 14, 2011

Miscellany Monday

A. I had a TON of laundry to do on Friday...and Eli helped me out a little:) The boys were out of school on Monday and Tuesday last week for Mardi Gras and for some reason that totally through off my {sad excuses for a} cleaning routine. I like to try and finish up most of the laundry on Monday so I don't feel like I am folding clothes every day of the week. That didn't happen last week, so I had a ton of stuff piled up on Friday. Ugh! I hate laundry, but it was a little easier with my helper moving clothes from the dryer to the living room for me to fold!

B. I sort of got my craft room in a little better order this weekend. I'm hoping to finish cleaning it up so I can make Eli a St. Patty's Day tie kind of like this one that Mandy from Sugar Bee Crafts made! Isn't it the cutest thing ever!

C. I picked up a new door mat at Lowes yesterday while we were there shopping for some other stuff. It was kind of an impulse buy, but it was on sale so that makes it okay! I love that it is plain but still interesting because of the pattern....though I'm thinking about stencilling a big W on it just to make it a little more fun. Now I just have to figure out how to make a stencil big enough because I know my Cricut won't cut a letter as big as I want for this.
D. Today is Pi day. 3/14. That is kind of fun:) I have seen a few different pies {and some cookies} made to celebrate today. I'm thinking I may throw together an apple pie out of all the apples that are sitting in my fruit bowl getting old!
 Hop over to Carrisa's and check out everyone else's miscellanies and see her cute new button:)
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters
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