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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Orange for Stellan

Stellan is scheduled to have surgery today. Please be in prayer for Stellan, his doctors, and the whole MckFamily! Go check out My Charming Kids to get updates and more information!

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More Than Words said...

Aren't they a sight for sore eyes!!! Too cute, Kelli!

Ang said...

They are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Love the orange and your tribute to Stellan!

amanda said...

i saw this on mckmama's blog!! i said...OH I KNOW THEM!! :0) just so you know. :0) cute picture!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Praying for Stellan...love the picture.

Anonymous said...

Cute pic!!! Love the Orange.

Shasta said...

I love your orange stripes picture!

Heidi Boos said...

This is very thoughtful of you to make a tribute to this family. I will pray for great success for the surgery and recovery!

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