Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I was NOT just a little excited about Henry graduating from preschool this week. Mothers are supposed to be SUPER sad that their little boys are growing up, not excited that they will be going to all day Kindergarten soon!
I did NOT sit and watch my DVRed episode of The Biggest Loser while eating a very small HUGE piece of strawberry shortcake. I did NOT justify eating it because the delicious homemade poundcake that I had made for Mother's Day was going to go bad {after only 3 days}if I didn't eat it soon!
I did NOT stay up until after 1 am one night this week waiting on my hubby to get home from work. I did NOT stay up {blogging and watching tv} because I hate to go to bed by myself and I would NEVER rather be completely exhausted the next morning than get in that big bed without him.
I did NOT have to hold back my giggles more than once this week as Jason was just a little SUPER loopy after having his wisdom teeth removed! He was NOT a little out of it as we left the doctor's office, and I would NEVER find that funny! I also did NOT laugh at him as he dozed in and out of medicine induced sleep for the majority of the day after his surgery! I am a much more sympathetic wife than that and I would NEVER laugh at my hubby....and hope that he was too out it to remember!
I am NOT going to remind everyone one last time to enter my GIVEAWAY that ends tonight at midnight!! I am NOT SUPER excited about this giveaway, and I am NOT ready to pick a winner so I can start putting together all the cute personal touches {monogramming, picking out flip-flops, and maybe a few goodies for your kiddos} for whichever SUPER blogger wins!
Watching the Biggest Loser always makes me want to eat a ton of chocolate...that's wrong, isnt' it! lol
And you're making me nervous...I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in a few weeks! Ahhh!
Oh, and even though I am sad about preschool graduation and am SO excited about all day kindergarten too!
I am right there with ya! I think I had one too many cupcakes this past week! :) I don't like going to bed alone either! Blog hopping is way more fun than sleeping! Happy Monday!
Great not me's! I didn't laugh at my husband that last time he was loopy from meds either....it's not hilarious to listen to some of what they 'try' to say!
OH, LOL, I always eat when watching Biggest Loser, too! Oops!
Those are funny!
Happy Monday!
I can't believe you would laugh at Jason being loopy. LOL. And I can't wait see who wins your giveaway.
I'm definately not torn between sad and excited about my big girl going to school in August.Thanks for sharing. (Your poor hubby, sympathy for him! Tooth ache- even after dental work is the pits)
Great Not Me's! I would so Not! laugh at my hubby when he was out of it {oh, wait yes i would}. LOL! & I can Not! wait to win {oh, see who wins} your giveaway. Lol!
That was so funny about the shortcake! That is something I would totally have told myself too!!!!! LOL!!
I am the same way when it comes to going to bed alone. Ever since Marty left to work in Virginia I have only been to bed before 11:00 maybe 3 times. I hate going to bed by myself. Dont worry everytime I watch biggest loser im eating something too!!
I eat like a pig whenever the Biggest Loser is on! And now I want poundcake! I am totally going to your contest now, even though today is the first day I have found your blog. Heck, I could still win, right?
I see nothing wrong with a little secretive husband giggling...lol. Too funny, great post.
I'm cracking up just visualizing you giggling at your husband. I would totally be doing the same thing!! I'm all about a little dessert while watching the Biggest Loser...in moderation, of course! ;)
I love hearing about your snack during the Biggest Loser. I somehow end up eating the most calorie ridden things during that show, too!
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