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Friday, August 21, 2009

Things That Make Me Happy...


Boys Being Boys

Baby Boy eating Butter Beans
What B things make you happy?

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Kelli said...

Blogging (ha!), Bedtime, birthdays (we're planning Jamison's right now)...

He & Me + 3 said...

Bubbles, Babies, Birthdays, & Blogging.

He & Me + 3 said...

Cute pictures and I love baking cookies too.

Anonymous said...

Vey cute!! Those are some great "B" things to be in love with. (except the butter beans...lol) But the Boys are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Boys, Babies, Baking, Blogging and Butter beans are my favorite.

{Kimber} said...

Biggs, Blogging, Birthday, Baths, Babies... :)

Unknown said...

Fun! Beautiful baby boys!

TheAtticGirl said...

Blogging, babies, books and banging my head to some music!

Dee said...

Awww..so cute!! Now I want cookies! Umm..I'd have to go with bloggy friends, babies, and books!

More Than Words said...

That was cute!! I love the pictures with them too!!!

I love baking too!!

Carrie said...

Oh so cute! I love baking, but the baked goods even better! haha! blogging, definitely...bread...bargains!

I'm sure there are lots more...but I can't think!
Have a great weekend!

4 Lettre Words said...

LOVE those VBS shirts.....so cute!!

And, I wish I liked baking. I love eating the results, but the process is not a fave! :o)

Foursons said...


Emily said...

Baking brownies! And baby boys...especially since I feel like mine won't be one for much longer...a baby that is!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Babies ~ my favorite B! I also love baking, birthdays, and bedtime :)

Angie said...

Brownies!! Yum I need chocolate ;)

Five Moms & A Blog said...

Thanks for commenting on the 5 Moms today. I love to read your sweet comments. I wish i had bought 24 on DVD because I didn't start watching it until a few seasons ago. I should really go back and watch the beginning ones. You will be so hooked. It is so action packed.

Kerri said...

Bops, Brownies, Babies, Birthdays, Bells, Baby Boy nephew finally walking and talking, Butter Cookies..... Lots of Bs make me happy : )

Shasta said...

First of all, love your new title font!! Also love that you have a Twitter now, since that's where I've been living via my phone! lol

I also LOVE Baking and if my Boys weren't in bed, I'd Bake some cookies right now after seeing yours!! But if I do, I'll eat them all before morning.

Other B things...Boys, Babies, Bikes, Bargains, Birthdays, Butter, Bed {my bed}, Bunnies & Breakfast!!

Anonymous said...

aww cute post! My favorite B's-

Babies(my Zoe), "my"big boy(Gavyn), blogging Have a wonderful weekend

christy rose said...

Babies, Breakfast, Being with my family, my Bible, and Blogging friends

Jennifer W. said...

Babies, boys, balls, babies, birthdays, blogging, babies, breakfast, bed (mine), babies, etc. Cute post.

Heidi Boos said...

Great post! I wish I could be creative and add to the B's, but I'm fresh out of creativity today. :( I think everyone has summed it up enough, right?

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