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Monday, January 31, 2011

This is the Stuff...

...That Drives Me Crazy!
*Got out of bed 30 minutes early because all 3 boys got up early*
*Had a battle before school because of socks...and probably not why you would think*
*Dropped the boys off*
*Walked a couple laps with a friend, while Eli begged to go home*
*Burned my egg for breakfast*
*Quick trip to Target for a few weekend items*
*Browsed the Dollar Spot*
*Bought Eli popcorn and an icee...he is much a much better behaved shopper if he has food*
*Stole a few pieces of popcorn even though I'm still on my diet*
*Looked for sugar...Target was out of sugar*
*Browsed the little girl's section at Kohl's with my friend*
*LOST (like really lost) Eli when he ran off in Kohl's*
*Ran around like a crazy person trying to find my child who thought he was playing a game*
*Found him in the back of the store smiling and waving*
*Got a call that my grandma was in the hospital*
*Headed home to unload grocery and put Eli down for a nap*
*Showered...because I really needed it*
*Got ready to go the hospital and Jason left work early to pick up the kiddos*
*Got a call that everything was fine with my grandma and that she was probably going home soon*
*Looked for a video of the song that inspired this post, but couldn't find one*
*Listened to some music on the computer*
*Looked again and found a video to share with you:)*

This post was inspired by the song "This is the Stuff" by Francesca Battistelli and my SUPER fun Friday:)

This is the Stuff You Use!
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TeenaBugg38 said...

Oh dear!!! HUGS!!!! Manic Monday woulda worked well too......lol. We have all had days like that...heres to hoping your monday brightens up!!! I saya good long soak in the tub with either a glass of wine or tea should help....lol

Amanda said...

haha! great post, totally had those days too... including losing the kid! I love that song, never heard it before but it was so fun!

Carrie said...

Oh...itsn't that the life of a mom?! I lost Emily in kohl's once too...I'll never forget how panicked I was...they had to call a code for a missing child and shut down the store! How embarrassing that I was that mom, ha! she was looking for me to ask if she could get a Little Mermaid barbie! Of course I bought it! Glad Eli was fine and happy! ;-)

I think the day always seems 'off' when you are forced to wake up much earlier than you hoped! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Gavyn ran off a few years back in Kmart. My heart sank and tears instantly strolled down my face. He decided to run around some racks and sit under them. I hope your grandma is doing better. In the middle of my mess, I forget how much I'm blessed-SO TRUE! Hugs

Julia said...

You've already done all this just today1?! You are a supermom!

laxsupermom said...

Love this post! Stuff like this is so typical of a mom day. I lost my oldest son at the Sears in the mall once. I was in tears thinking he had left the store. He had climbed under a clothes rack and fell asleep.

Hope tomorrow's better.

Ambrosia said...

Wow, we've all had days like this, haven't we? And on those days we can't see through all the "stuff" to see how blessed we are. Thank you so much for this post and for including the song - I hadn't heard it. Think it's my new anthem!!! Made me cry. lol

Kelli said...

What a day. You need a stress reliever after all of that :) I've lost Caleb in Children's Place and it is such a bad feeling. He thought he was playing a game too...the little booger. I hope you have a better tomorrow :)

Kelli said...

That was a great song. So glad you found it and were able to share...just what I needed to take a moment and hear.

Dee said...

Oh man, I'm exhausted just reading this. Hope the rest of your week goes smoothly! :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Oh, Kelli, it sounds like one of those days! And why IS Target always out of sugar???! Mine does that too!!! Hope your grandma is okay now. :)

Emily said...

Monday, Monday! Glad that your grandma is ok though.

Tracy said...

Glad i am not the only one having one of those days! Yikes. Hope it goes up hill from here.

CM said...

Oh I think we have all been there! Glad your grandma is doing ok now.

Darcie said...

One of those days, huh? I guess it's not called Monday for nothing! Hope its been a little bit more smooth since then. Love the song...always like hearing new ones.

LBB said...

Ohhhhhhh! I know those days all too well! Spent this morning MOVING the washer to get a glove that my youngest HAD to have. Never mind the fact that she's the one that tossed it there 2 seconds before!!! Why? I have no idea.
Glad all to hear your grandmas doing good now :)

Rachel said...

I heard this song on the way to work this morning! And it helped me through my day!! I hope your week gets better! But He will use the stuff!! :)

Foursons said...

What a great song! Your day was hetic for sure. I hope tomorrow is better for you.

More Than Words said...

Oh my goodness..what a day you've had!!!

carissa said...

Great song, I like her a lot. Hoping that your Tue is better! Take care pretty mama!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I've definitely had those days! I hope it's been much better since then!

Myya said...

Ohhh my goodness what a day! I lost my middle one one time, talk about freak out. Is that not the scariest feeling ever!

Anonymous said...

awww... i'm sad that i haven't heard this before, but now so glad that i have!!! thank you for sharing :)

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