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Friday, March 11, 2011

Featured Friend Friday

Hi I'm Kmama. Kelli asked me to come over here to her blog to teach you how to sew craft paint cook something. Hmm. Kelli? Why did you ask me over to your blog? You know I can't do ANY of those things. Hmm. Well, since I can't teach any of you anything, I suppose I could entertain you.


Like I said, I'm Kmama. I blog over at The Daily Dribbles. I'm wife to Jdaddy, my wonderful husband of 8 years and mom to Buddy, 6 and Buster 3, my two little spit-fire boys. I work full-time outside the house, and while I love my job, my days are pretty hectic.


If you're not familiar with The Daily Dribbles, let me give you a little information. The Daily Dribbles is my sanity. No really. It is. I'm typically a pretty sarcastic person, but oftentimes, in real life, sarcasm doesn't go over so well. I obviously can't be too sarcastic when dealing with people at work (did I mention I work in Human Resources?) and my kids don't get my sarcasm yet, so I unleash it all on the blog. The Daily Dribbles is basically, as my tag-line reads, "A pinch or sarcasm and a dash of laughs, from a woman who wears many hats."

I sometimes do reviews and giveaways on my blog, but mostly you'll find posts with humor, sarcasm, and about our daily life. I have a few posts that I'm especially proud of and I hope you'll take a look at. In I'm a Full-Time Working Mom I talk about how I choose to work outside the home and how you don't have to feel bad for me because I work.

As I previously mentioned, my days are really hectic. In Two Minutes I share the time I chose to pause life and enjoy a special moment with my youngest son.

And now I can't tell you that I write with sarcasm and humor and then only link you to some of my more serious posts, so for some laughs, check out these posts:

Kelli, thank you so much for featuring me!
Thanks so much for sharing your blog with us today Kmama! You really should head over and check out The Daily Dribbles. I love Kmama's wit, humor, and sarcasm {even if her boys don't get it just yet}!
Pin It!


Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Nice to *meet* you, KMama. Will have to head over to check out your blog. :)

Brandi said...

Kmama is one of my faves! :)

Anonymous said...

Love Kmama!!!!!

Kelly said...

Kmama, you are hilarious! I just read your "So much for a nice dinnner" blog post and couldn't stop laughing. I think your blog will be great when I need a quick pick-me-up! :)

Michelle Pixie said...

Kmama is the best!!

Foursons said...

Love me some Kmama!

More Than Words said...

She sounds so fun!! I'm going to pay her a visit!

Anonymous said...

I think I've stopped by her blog before. I'm heading to check her out. :)

Ashley said...

lovvvvvvve this!!! Im gonna go check out her blog now... this is the first time on yours too!!! :)

Sharde said...

hey super mom! i love this!

and btw, i really love your blog! today i did a refashion that i think you'd like, a lace-cut out t-shirt that is no-sew! and easy to do with very little time.
come and visit me at:

thanks! sharde

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