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Showing posts with label Crafts. Show all posts

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Quick Last Minute Christmas Crafts

I don't know about you, but these last few days before Christmas are just a little crazy!
*last minute shopping trips*
*wrapping presents*
*baking lots of goodies*
But if you are ahead of the game this year and are looking for a few quick crafts to tackle before Saturday, here is a list of a four SUPER fun and SUPER easy crafts to try!
If you need to add a little bit of Christmas cheer to your house, you could make a Christmas version of my Candy Bottles. Just add red and green M&M's {or maybe even peppermints} and some vinyl letters, for a quick Christmas craft that can be used throughout the year.
 I also added a little more glitter to my decor this year with some simple letters that I framed.  Cut out the letters of your choice, coat them with glue, sprinkle with glitter, and then framed them.

To keep the kiddos busy, you could let them make these SUPER cute Rudolph Candy Canes. Check out the tutorial over on my friend Liz's blog Sugarplum Creations.
Check out this really great tutorial on how to make a Tulle and Pearl necklace over at Sumo's Sweet Stuff. This would be a great last minute gift for your sister or friend. I'm thinking of making one using some red tulle I have left over from wrapping presents:)

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Because Everything is Better with Glitter

Back in September, the boys and I gathered up some really cute little pine cones while we were out of town for our family reunion....yes I have been saving pine cones since September to do this project:) I actually put the pine cones in my glass jar during the fall, but I knew they needed to be fancied up a little bit for Christmas. So here are my Glittered Pine Cones, and a step by step just in case you have been saving pine cones for months too:)
 Start with your pine cones, spray adhesive, glitter in any color you would like, and brown paper lunch bags.
Lay your pine cones out on a protected surface.
 Open up your lunch bags and dump a pretty good amount of glitter into them. One color per bag...or you could be wild and mix them all together:)
 With your pine cones on a protected surface {aka newspaper} spray them with a liberal coat of spray adhesive.
 Drop your pine cone into the lunch bag, seal the top, and shake it around.
 Carefully remove your pine cone making sure to knock off any of the excess glitter...and you have SUPER cute Glittered Pine Cones!
 I did mine in red, green, and white but I think these would be really great in all white or maybe a few different shades of blue.The great thing about this project is that it is easy to modify to fit your decor!
 I think they look great in my glass container...much fancier than the plain ones before {because everything is better with glitter!}
 And just because I was in a glittery kind of mood, I also did made some cute glittered trees {as seen on eighteen25}. I sprayed the cones with adhesive, dropped them into the paper bag, gave them a shake, and then hot glued them to some glass candle holders from the dollar store.
cute, quick, and cheap...my favorite kind of craft!
Have you glittered anything today:)
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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Recycled Frame Wreath

I have been wanting to make a square wreath for a while...the only problem was I couldn't seem to find a wreath form that was square! So when I decided to finally do something with my big stack of old dusty picture frames, I realized that I didn't need to buy a square wreath form:) I could just recycle some old frames and turn them into a cute wreath! 
Recycled Picture Frame Craft #2
I started with an 8X10 frame {that's what I had on hand, but I think a bigger frame would look even better},
some red burlap, and some fun polka dot Christmas fabric.
I cut the burlap into long strips that were about 4 inches wide, and I cut the polka dot fabric into long strips that were about two inches wide. You are going to layer the polka dot fabric on top of the burlap, so you can make your pieces any width that you like, just make sure that the burlap is bigger so it can be seen under the polka dot material.
Layer the polka dot material on top of the burlap and the make ruffles.
**Use whatever technique works for you or google instructions for how to make ruffles, because I have no tips on ruffling...I had a really difficult time with them {this is the project I was working on when I burned my thumb with hot glue}! I'm even thinking of getting a ruffle foot for my sewing machine after the fun I had trying to get my ruffles to work:)**
After you get your ruffles made, line them up along the length of your frame, measure, cut, and hot glue them in place.
Use your hot glue gun to add a strip of fabric or some coordinating ribbon to the top of the wreath as a hanger, and then marvel at how lovely your old dusty picture frame is as a Christmas wreath!
My sweet friend Liz is having a fun Countdown to Christmas every Thursday in December. Hop over and check out all the fun Christmas things that she and everyone else are doing this year:)
Countdown to Christmas

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Countdown to Christmas Craft

A few months ago we redecorated our living room. That left with me with a ton of old and really dusty black frames that had previously been on the walls of our living room. I didn't throw them away because I knew at some point I would find a good use for them. This week I'm going to share three uses for old and really dusty picture frames with you!

Recycled Picture Frame Craft #1
Countdown to Christmas
{Just in case there was any confusion, the SUPER cute printable that I used for this craft was designed by Sarah at Life Sweet Life. I simply printed it out and mod podged it!}

glass insert from picture frame
mod podge
Christmas printable {I found mine HERE}
black paper
Coat one side of the glass with mod podge.
Lay your printable, print side down and coat the backside of it with a layer of mod podge. I also added a few strips of black paper because my printable wasn't the exact same size as my glass. Make sure to smooth your paper while the mod podge is drying to prevent any bubbles in the paper from forming.
After the mod podge has dried, use your hot glue gun and attach some black ribbon to the back to make a hanger.
If you are giving this for a gift, cover the back with a piece of black paper just to make it look more finished...if you are keeping this craft for yourself, this step isn't really necessary:)
And now you have a SUPER cute Countdown to Christmas that was basically FREE! This would make a really cute neighbor or teacher gift with a pack of dry erase markers!

Make sure to hop over to Sarah's cute blog and tell her thanks for sharing such a fun and original Christmas printable!

**Check back on Thursday for the first of two of my crafts using the empty frames this glass came from:)

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Glittered Snowman Ornament Two Ways

{This is a tutorial that I shared over at Under the Table and Dreaming last week.}
Today I am sharing a tutorial with you on how to make a SUPER cute Glittered Snowman Ornament...two ways!
Glittered Snowman Ornament: Version One

You will need:
a clear glass ornament
black and orange felt
Mod Podge
foam brush
white glitter
clear gloss spray paint
Cut out two round black eyes and one orange triangle from your felt, then attach the felt pieces to the ornament using a hot glue gun. Using a foam brush apply Mod Podge to the ornament being careful not to get any on the felt pieces. Cover the entire ornament with glitter and shake off any excess. Spray a light coat of clear spray paint onto the ornament to help set the glitter.
Tie on a piece of felt for a hanger, and you have a SUPER cute Glittered Snowman Ornament!
Now if you are like me, and you have more than a few curious little hands running around your house...and the thought of a glittered ornament brings visions of you & the vacuum cleaner being really good friends, then this second version of my Glittered Snowman Ornament is for YOU!

Glittered Snowman Ornament: Version Two

You will need:
a clear glass ornament {this could be done with plastic too to make it even more kid friendly}
Mod Podge
white glitter
black and orange Sharpies
Use the Sharpies and draw on two round black eyes and one orange triangle nose...I added in a cute smile too! Dilute a little bit of Mod Podge with a few drops of water, then add pour it into the ornament.
 Use your finger to cover the opening of the ornament and shake around the Mod Podge making sure to coat the entire inside surface of the ornament. Pour in some of your white glitter and shake it around {again making sure to coat the entire inside surface of the ornament}. Turn the ornament upside down and shake out any excess glitter.
Tie on some white yarn and you have a kid friendly version of a SUPER cute Glittered Snowman Ornament!

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Advent Calendar Again

{This is a repost of my advent calendar from last year.}
I have been wanting a cute advent calendar for a few years. We had the cheap felt one from Walmart for a few years, but it wasn't nearly as cute as it could have been....so I decided to make my own. I did a little research online, and I got a ton of inspiration from other blogs and from Etsy! I took a few of the ideas that I found and mixed them all up and came up with my own advent calendar.

I hit up Hobby Lobby for
a canvas
wedding favor tins
scrapbook paper
a painted star

I already had some stuff at home
rick rack
mod podge
hot glue

I started by cutting out a lot of circle...48 to be exact. 24 without numbers for the inside of the tins.
24 with numbers for the outside of the tins.
I applied a thin layer of mod podge to the inside of the tin and to the inside of the lid. Then I place the unnumbered circles inside the tins and mod podged them in place.
I put the numbered circles in the lids {with the paper and number showing through the plastic} and then mod podged them into place. I cut out a Chrismas tree from leftover fabric and used spray adhesive to attach it to the canvas. I finished off the edges by hot glueing on some white rick rack.
After everything was dry, I put the lids on the tins and hot glued them to the fabric Christmas tree.
Starting on December 1st the boys will get to remove the lid to one tin a day and get a special treat that is inside. I also placed small pieces of paper with special Christmas activites {bake cookies, sing Christmas songs, wrap presents, watch a Christmas cartoon, read the Christmas story} for us to do in some of the tins.
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