A few weeks ago, I {finally} let my husband check out my blog. I really respect his opinion, so I had been sort of {but not really}
hiding my blog from him. I just hadn’t
shared my blog with him, mainly because I thought he might think it was silly or a waste of time {So, this is why the dishes aren’t done!}.
When I finally showed it to him, I anxiously waited for his response.
All he said was “You think you are a supermom?”.
Now, I don’t think he meant for it to sound rude {at least I hope he didn’t, though he does really know me and all my faults and flaws}. But it did make me think.
Is it a little pretentious of me to call myself a SUPERMOM? I don’t mean for it to come off that way, but I guess some people could take it that way….
The thing is, I don’t think I am the one and only SUPERMOM. Actually I think there are a ton of SUPERMOMS out there. There are probably more than I could ever imagine, and blogging has helped me discover a bunch of really fantastic SUPERMOMS who are also wives, sister, and friends.
The day after I showed Jason my blog, I got a parenting magazine in the mail.
The front cover said:
“it’s a bird, it’s
a plane, it’s…you!!
why every
mom is a
I thought “WOW! This is just what I need!” An article that tells me why every mom {including me} is a SUPERMOM! And guess what the title of the article is….”I AM SUPERMOM”
That’s right.
Paula Spencer {the SUPERMOM who wrote the article} apparently thinks very much like me, because she thinks that mothering is what gives us these wonderful superpowers that make all us mothers: SUPERMOMS.
The article talks about the five heroic traits you didn’t know you had-until you had a child.
This was great reminder that I am not at all being pretentious when I call myself a SUPERMOM, because we are all SUPERMOMS!!
Go check out the
whole article on the Parenting website!