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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Big Little Man on Campus!

Henry is officially a Kindergartner!

Jason and I took him to his new school this morning for his very first day of Kindergarten.
Henry and Hayden {Trouble and Double Trouble!}

Our school district does "Kindergarten Discovery Days" for the first three days of the school year, so today he is at school with 8 other classmates. He will not go to school tomorrow....and he will start his first 'normal' day of Kindergarten on Monday.

Henry seemed to be fine, a little nervous, but I kind of expected that from him. No tears were shed, so I think we did pretty good! We are really excited about his teacher {she has some awesome qualifications} and his new class! And I am SUPER excited that Henry already knows some the kids {at least 5 from church and preschool} and I know some of the moms {field trips are way more fun if you have someone you like to talk to}!

I'm a little nervous about pick up....only because it is new and I don't want to do something wrong. I think I can handle it though! Hopefully Henry is having a great day and will have a great Kindergarten year!

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

On Our Way!


We decided to take a mini vacation to the beach...so we are heading to Panama City Beach, FL!
We'll be back on Tuesday just in time for Open House at Henry's new school!

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