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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Personalized Plate

They other day I was feeling crafty, but I didn't have a lot of time.
I made this SUPER cute personalized plate in about 20 minutes one afternoon while Grant and Eli were napping!I started with a white plate
{that has been in my cabinet & not used for probably 5 years!}, contact paper,
black spray paint,
and my Cricut.
I used the Cricut to cut a W out of contact paper.

Then, I attached the W to the center of the white plate and spray painted the entire plate black. I put two coats of paint to make sure it was covered, and then sprayed a little bit of clear sealer on it too. The hardest & longest part of this project was waiting for the paint to dry:)

After the paint dried, I peeled up the W. I used the end of a spoon to clean up any of the edges where paint had seeped under the contact paper.

And now I have a SUPER cute W plate for my dining room!
Now I just have to figure out what to make with the three other white plates in my cabinet!


The Girl Creative

My fork and spoon redo is also being feature over here today...go check it out and leave Emily some comment love:)

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT attempt to dumpster dive in someone's yard this week! I have NOT been looking for some old kitchen cabinet doors for the past few weeks, and I did NOT get excited when I saw that a house down the street was remodeling. I would NEVER stop and ask a complete stranger the person that lives there if I might possibly have a few of the doors that they were getting ready to send to the dump. He did NOT say I was just a little too late because they were all on the bottom of the pile covered up with a ton of other junk.

I did NOT let Eli eat a peanut butter cracker that he decorated with his crayons! I did NOT figure that the lovely Crayola crayons that he used were non-toxic, so it wasn't going to hurt him:) I always make sure that my children only eat healthy, nutritious, and edible things!

I did NOT work on a few crafty projects this week using this:

And I did NOT end up with black spray paint all over my hands, because I did NOT point the sprayer in the wrong direction. I am an expert crafter, and I NEVER make messy mistakes while I am working on crafty things!

**I was NOT SUPER lazy today, and I did NOT link up my Not Me! Monday post from last week! **

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Friday, March 26, 2010

FREE 4 All Friday!

It's the fourth Friday of the month.
That means it's my turn to host FREE 4 All Fridays!
Because everybody likes free stuff, right!?!
This week I am giving away a SUPER cute picture frame with a few Cricut cut 'pictures' to change out from season to season. Kind of like my HOP Easter sign and my Valentine's Day frames, but just one frame with a cut out in it!

I used my Cricut, some scrapbook paper, and some spray adhesive and came up with these SUPER cute pictures!
a flower picture for Spring

a leaf picture for Fall

a snowflake picture for Winter

I will do a letter for the winner's last name sort of like this one!
That is five different ways for you to decorate with one cute little frame!
To enter:

Leave a comment telling me what your favorite holiday is.

For another entry, follow my blog and leave me a comment telling me that you do.

For a third entry, place my blog button on your blog and then leave a comment telling that you did.


For one more entry, stop by Mimi's place and tell her "HI" too!

I will use random.org to pick a winner on Sunday! Good Luck and thanks for entering!

a sun picture for Summer
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