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Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Baskets and Bunny Cake

I decided that after five years of using the same small {and SUPER cute} Easter baskets, that I need to upgrade the boys' baskets to something that will hold more than 3 eggs a little bigger.

I found some cute fruit baskets at Hobby Lobby for $3.99 each, and I decided that they were just the right size for Easter baskets. I also picked up some polka dot ribbon and some wooden tags while I was there. With a little bit of spray paint and hot glue, I knew I could make some SUPER cute Easter baskets!supplies I painted the baskets and let them dry over night.
glue on ribbonI used my hot glue gun to attach a strip of ribbon around the basket.
I followed the brace in the center of the basket, but you could really put the ribbon anywhere you want.
Cute bows Then I tied a cute little bow on one side of the basket for a little more color.
wooden name tags I used some wooden tags {4/$1 at Hobby Lobby} and Mod Podged each of the boys' names on them in colors that coordinated with the ribbon. {In case you haven't noticed before, Henry's color is always blue, Grant is always green, and Eli is always orange} Then, I used my Cropodile to add the grommet, but you could just make a hole and pull the ribbon through without it.
add Easter grass I tied the name tag on with another piece of polka dot ribbon, and filled the basket up with green paper Easter grass.
Cute Easter BasketsNow my boys have baskets big enough for a SUPER Easter egg hunt:)
Henry's class had an Easter party yesterday, so I decided to make a Bunny Cake.
You need two round cakes, icing, and candy to decorate with.
Leave one of the round cakes whole and cut bunny ears out of the other. {You can also make the extra piece from the ears into a bow tie, but I didn't have room for it on my baking pan.}
Cover the cake in icing.
And then decorate away. I usually cover the whole cake in coconut, but I figured the Kindergartners might turn their noses up at it:)
Bunny CakeA simple and easy Bunny Cake perfect for an Easter party!
I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!

(46) and Jesus said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, (47) and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. Luke 24:46-47

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

What's in Your Cabinet?

After living with a sink piled full of dirty dishes and having to get the dishes I needed out of the dishwasher all last week, I finally got them all clean and in the cabinet where they belong.Fiestaware And after I got them in the cabinet, I realized how beautiful all the different colors of my Fiestaware were!
Fiestaware1 And I just had to take a picture!
Fiestaware2 Because it may be a while before all my dishes are clean and put up in the cabinet again!
Just don't ask me what my Tupperware cabinet looks like:)
What's in your cabinets?!?

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