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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: A Work in Progress & A Decorating Dilemma

New storage baskets
Picture Frames
Pillows from Placemats
New couch 1
New couch 2
New blinds******************
We are working on redoing our living room...which includes a new couch, a new arrangement, fresh {but not a new color} paint, new blinds, some furniture makeovers, new wall hangings, and some new accessories.
For the most part the redo is going great, but the accessories are giving me a little trouble. So today I am linking up with Decorating Dilemmas hosted by Amanda!
So here is my dilemma:

This is a candle holder that is made to look like an old sugar mold. I love it, but it is in need of a makeover. As you can tell, my monkeys {mainly Eli} have gotten their little hands on the candles and broken three of them. That means I need a new idea of what to put in the candle holder. I also think the color could use a facelift as well. Any tips or ideas are greatly appreciated!

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Shutter Love: Balloons

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Great Anytime Snack

After Henry's Camp Out birthday party last week, I found that we had an abundance of graham crackers in the house. Mostly because the boys at the party loved to just eat the marshmallows right off their roasting sticks:) So most of the marshamallows didn't even make it onto the graham crackers!

Because we had a ton of graham crackers and no marshmallows to make s'mores, I decided to make the next best thing! I smeared a ton of peanut butter onto my graham crackers...
...I sandwiched two graham crackers together... ....and I had one of the yummiest anytime snacks ever!
Sometimes the simpliest things are the best:)
Have a great day, and don't forget to enjoy the simple things!

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