We are working on redoing our living room...which includes a new couch, a new arrangement, fresh {but not a new color} paint, new blinds, some furniture makeovers, new wall hangings, and some new accessories.
For the most part the redo is going great, but the accessories are giving me a little trouble. So today I am linking up with Decorating Dilemmas hosted by Amanda!
So here is my dilemma:
How deep are the holes? A single flower in each one would be pretty!
I think white crocus flowers would look amazing in those little spots. Real or fake a la Pottery Barn.
I wonder if the plain cylinder votive holders they sell at Wal-Mart would fit into the holes? It's so cool as a candle holder. . . I'd hate for you not to be able to use it for that.
My first thought would be to use it for displaying flowers, but it sure is nice as is for a candle holder. If you really want to change it, a bright color like turquoise would be pretty.
do every other space a candle and the other spaces a flower?? Since you have three candles and 6 holes... :) Both sound so pretty!
I agree -- check with Wal-Mart to see if they have a glass votive holder that would fit. I think it would be really cute stained dark and with a pattern made of upholstery nails on it. Sorta like this.
If you are looking to replace the candle holders, I wonder if a shot glass would fit?? They'd be inexpensive, and you could just buy new candles to go inside.
I do like the idea of trying something new with it! Maybe an unexpected color to coordinate with your new look? You could fill the openings with pebbles, or maybe moss and have little tiny signs on wire sticking out in each opening to spell out "FAMILY." ??
I am so jealous that you get to redo a whole room. How lucky are you? :)
Thanks so much for linking up!
That would be cute in an office with a name plate on the front and painted a pretty color lol pencil holders, scissors whatever! I'm not kidding either haha. I love the candle holder as a candle holder:)
What a fun project ahead of you... loving all those black frames, can't wait to see what is up your sleeve.
I say paint it white, maybe do a glaze to give it a shabby look, and then use that decorative grass that stands straight up and fill all the wholes with it. ;) Jenn
I think you should paint it a different color, then put little glass vases in the holes and fresh flowers. That would be cute for spring!
I am excited to see your living room!
What about a fun tan color with a little sand paper to the edges. Then stencil something fun on it it. Like a number ie: No. 5. or 6 because there are six holes. I think it would be adorable to find those small picture stands that have a weighted base. You could put the base down in the hole, and then clip a picture to the top part. I have seen them at Hobby Lobby, and even dollar tree.
I love these candle holders. I have seen them used as mini flower pots, either real or fake flowers. Also you could paint it and then use your cricket machine to put a cute saying on it.
Can't wait to see what you create.
I like the idea of tall candles! And if the holes aren't deep enough, find glass vases that fit inside, and if they were taller that would be very cool. ALmost like the test tube look? You could fill them with sand & let the tall candles fit inside. I'm a fan of wood, so maybe just finish it. Or any cool really would be cool! How fuN!
I am so jealous as I want one of those sugar mold candle holders! ;-) K, if it were me, I'd paint it. But then I paint everything (per my teen daughter). LOL I think I saw a hint of blue in the pillow. Maybe blue with a stain rub on/off glaze. I would try any votive candle holders to try to replace the old ones. I like the use of it as candles. Then again that's me.
Cool fake flowers, twigs (decorative ones), It is really pretty looking! I love all the photos of texture!
I love the candle holder and the baskets! :)
I love Amanda's idea of adding moss (or something similar) and using plant labels or something similar to either spell something out, or hold photos.
I'm not quite sure of the color scheme you're working with, but in addition to painting it, you could also try sanding it down a bit and staining it - just for a different look.
By the way, thanks for the inspiration photo - I got a dremel for Christmas and have been looking for the right project to use it on. I might have to try making one of these!
I love everythig already! I would love to redo alot in our house, and Alex needs a room redo too :) Looks like you're off to a great start and I can't wait to see it all finished! I love everyone's ideas...it will look fabulous! Have fun!
You must check out the girls over at HowDoesShe (http://www.howdoesshe.com/) They make ALL KINDS of cute things with wood like this. I'm constantly amazed by them. Go ahead and block off some time and start clicking away...
You've got some great suggestions, so I'm staying quiet (plus, I don't have any decorating sense). LOL Love the color of your walls!!
i am not a good decorator. and i think you've gotten great ideas. so i too will stay quiet! i can't wait to see what you DO with it though..you always do great work!!
Whew...so glad you got a lot of feedback because I am no help. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Seems like a perfect place to keep their paint brushes, markers and tall crayons!
Fun shots - looks like a great remake you're working on!
Flowers would look great. Love the color of the room.
I am pretty sure you can find replacements for the candle holders, and it is a great candle holder. If not, you have had some awesome suggestions! I say go for bright color with it. Some thing that will rwally stand out!
Oh, I bet it's going to look awesome!!!
I have no idea what to do with the candle holder!! LOL
My thoughts: paint it black, pick up some new votive candles and candle holders, stick with white candles. Not very original, but I've seen those sold in stores and they are not cheap! I bet you could do it for a quarter of the price!
I'm so not a decorator...you've gotten some good ideas here, though. I can't wait to see the finished room!
I love the idea of using it in an office!!
I agree with all the flower comments above, that would be really cute! Depending on the hole size, tapers in varying heights would also look nice!
Is it bare wood now? I don't know if I'd paint it... maybe a nice stain or sealer to freshen it up!
I wish I had a creative bone in my body to help you out...but I don't! :)
Wow! I wish I had time to read all the feedback (you got a lot!) so I apologize if I'm being repetitive. I would not refinish the piece. It's so beautiful and looks very old, which I love. I think little terracotta flower pots would be cute in the openings if you wanted to change it up. I've seen the mini ones at $.99 Only Stores (if you have that store where you are) in a multi pack. You could either do votives in the pots or for fun, some moss and little eggs. It's really a beautiful piece.
By the way, I really loved looking at your wordless Wed. pics. So pretty!
My "dilemma" link is not posting to Amanda's party (I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong!) but I would love your opinion on my kitchen. Check it out at www.finesseyournest.blogspot.com
I still like the idea of keeping it as a votive holder. I am sure you could find new votives and candles....but you could also paint that wood!
-Mama E
Don't worry about using the glass candle holders, I have several and use the candles that are about 2 - 2 1/2 inches in diameter - they fit perfectly and you can change the colors/fragrances. I have even bought the citronella candles and used in it.
lOve your wall color. Just beautiful. Oh girl I have no decorating advice. Anything I have I have stolen the idea from someone else. Can't wait to see what you do and how you decorate the room.
I'm so glad you're not changing the color of the living room, because I LOVE the color you have. As for the candle holder, I'm not sure I'd paint it, I think it looks nice the way it is. I was thinking flowers too, though. I know it's a little late for daffodils, but they are some of my favorites ;)
Did I spy some turquoise on a pillow in one of the pics? A rustic, turquoise wash of color on the holder would be really fresh. And I think it would look super happy against your walls. After that I was thinking like Sarita - fill the holes with sand or coffee beans and pop in a tall, straight candle. Great pictures!
I think there are a lot of SUPER good suggestions here! My two sense is to paint some chalkboard paint on the front and write "don't touch" on the front, just kidding. But I like it the natural color that it is, but you could wrap some ribbon around the middle of it and put a fabric flower in the middle for color, and then use the idea of tall candles coming out of it.
Little flower pots or vases would add some fun color!
I have no tips, but I can't wait to see what you come up with!
no help whatsoever here but I can't wait to see!!!!
I don't know what to do with that candle holder? Maybe some paint...ha! I need some help here, so I'm not much help for you :)
I'm loving the sneak peeks we got of your LVroom.
There are some adorable mini-terra cotta pots at Michael's (actually I have some extras and was thinking of throwing them in the Swap that is being hosted by The Shabby Chic Cottage!) Then you could fill 'em with little greenery or even votives.
Personally, I think the wood is great how it is. But, if you wanted to paint it, I always go to white or black. I LOVE it as a candle holder. Looks like PB to me. If you can't find votives to fit it, what about taller pillar candles - either the same width or skinny with sand or something to steady it. My sister-in-law painted pinto beans gold to go in a candle centerpiece once and it was gorgeous. I couldn't believe they were beans!
I like this...my first thought is paint it, put a coordinating ribbon around it with a tie or bow off to the side. And you have kids, so forget the glass. Head to the store (take your candle holder with it) and see what regular wax candles fit. I think It'll be beautiful!
Have you checked dollar tree for new votives? Maybe just trace the size of the circle and keep it in your purse so you can check walmart, target, dollar stores, thrift stores when you get around to them.
I'm terrible with decorating. I'm not very "creative". Cute pics though.
i'm trying to come up with some amazingly fantastic creative crafty idea and i've got nothing. sorry to disappoint. if it's any consolation, i know that you will make it look spectacular!
i am no decorator, but my first thought for the candle holder thingy was to grow flowers in them. Dunno if they are deep enough..but it just looks like a flower pot thingy to me!
I like the flower idea in the candle holder!
Happy WW (a day late:)
Linda C
Hi Kelli! What a cute blog! I love your banner, I need to work on my own. Anyway, about your candleholder. I would paint it a pretty color and then get some votives that fit for each little hole. Then, I would put some water in each and the end of a rose (the big bloom) in each. I have seen that in a magazine and it was SO cute! The one in the magazine was black and they had pink roses in the votives!
Here is an idea to update it! http://somedaycrafts.blogspot.com/2010/04/guest-blogger-thrifty-and-chic-decor.html
Wow - so many good ideas. It's got great potential. Depending on the color palette of your room and furnishings, I'd either paint the wood distressed black or white, then alternate the holes with votive candles and seasonal flowers/greenery. On single stem looks especially lovely. And guess what? You don't HAVE to fill every hole with something....that's the beauty of it. I'd kill for one of these, since you can decorate with it year-round. Have fun!
I use clear shot glasses with tea lites in them. I think it would look good with numbers on it. That seems to be the in thing now.
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