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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quick and Easy Halloween Frame

Halloween decorations are everywhere right now...and I am having the hardest time getting in the fall mood when it is 90 degrees outside! But I decided that despite the high temps, my house needed to lose the summer decor and get some new fall/halloween stuff in it's place.
This is a SUPER easy craft project that even the kiddos can help with. I used an unfinished wood frame that I picked up at Micheals for $1, a can of black spray paint, and some really cute Halloween stickers. I spray painted the entire frame black.
Then simply embellished the front of the frame with my SUPER cute Halloween letters. You could spell out a ton of different spooky words, or even add your kiddos' name or the year.
And that is how you make a quick and easy Halloween frame!

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Bagel Debacle

Wikipedia defines a debacle as an event that turns out as a disaster.
The majority of my recent trip to New York was amazing....with one major exception: my attempt at finding the perfect New York bagel!
I was determined to find a SUPER yummy and truly authentic bagel the first morning we were in NYC. So I pulled out my trusty phone and googled "Best place to eat a bagel in NYC" with great results. I found two places both within a few blocks of Grand Central.
First we headed to Daniel's Bagels.
Unfortunately when we got there, we saw this on the door:
In case you can't read the sign, it says they are closed for the day! I figure it must be my awesome luck that they just happen to be closed the one day that I am in NYC and looking for a bagel...especially since we walked more than a few blocks out of our way just to get bagels.
Now I was more determined than ever to get a good bagel, so instead of giving up we headed uptown to Ess-a-Bagel. We had to backtrack about 6 blocks from Daniel's and continue up another 8 blocks or so to get to Ess-a-Bagel's. But again we see no line, no customers...just a note on the door:
Yep! They were closed for the day too!
Apparently Jason and I don't keep up with our Jewish holidays as well as we should, because the one day that I was determined to find a bagel {which are usually made in kosher bakeries} was Rosh Hashanah.
I gave up that day, and settled for a SUPER delicious croissant instead....but I was still determined to get that bagel.
So bright and early the next morning we head back to Ess-a-Bagel....only to realized we should have read their sign a little more closely.
Yep! They were closed on Friday too!
It only took three attempts, but I finally got that awesome New York bagel that I was hoping for! And it was totally worth it...plus all that walking was surely enough to burn off all the calories in the HUGE bagel loaded down with strawberry cream cheese!

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