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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Birthday Wish List via Pinterest

So today is my birthday. For some reason birthdays just aren't a big deal for me, or at least my birthdays aren't! I love a good kids' party, but I'm pretty sure most people would think you were crazy if you had an all out birthday party bash for a 31 year old. So instead, I'll have a quiet day at home....and maybe even get to do a little crafting:) Jason is going to make dinner tonight and {even if I have to make it myself} we will have some kind of cake, mostly because I really like cake!

So in celebration of my birthday, I'm going to share some of my birthday wish list with you:) Most of these inspiration pictures are from Pinterest...if you are on Pinterest and you want to follow my boards click HERE!

I'm guessing it's not a surprise that I have a few DIY projects on my list:

 A few things for my craft room:

A new camera is on my "not this year, but a girl can still wish" list:)

Source: amazon.com via Jeff on Pinterest

How yummy {and cute} is this cake! Perfect for any birthday!

I hope you had fun checking out my birthday wish list. Head over to Pinterest and check out all awesome inspiration that everyone else has been pinning!
Have a happy Tuesday:)
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Friday, June 17, 2011

Our New Project

A few weeks ago Jason and I started talking about making a purchase. Actually I think I might have been the one that first brought it up, but Jason was excited by the idea immediately. We might have gotten a tiny bit obsessed on our quest for the perfect item: checking Craig's List & Ebay {everyday}, watching You Tube videos, and even shopping around a little. After a few weeks of research, we stumbled upon a really great deal....and we brought it home.
These three are SUPER excited about it!
Not only because it is really cool...
 ...but also because it means lots of time helping daddy!
 And did I mention how cool it is:)
Any guesses as to what our new project is?
I'll share a few more pictures one day next week, but right now I'm going to work on our patio redo that is taking forever to finish almost done!
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