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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Outfits

I have been working on the boys' Christmas outfits for a few days....and I am almost finished. The only things left to do are the buttonholes and buttons {my least favorite part after cutting out the pattern}. So I thought I would post a few pictures of the whole process from start to {almost} finish!

The pattern, fabric, and a few of my materials.

Sewing some of the pieces together.Grant's outfit partially sewn together....without the lining.Programming the monogram on my computer.The machine doing the monogramming. Red and Green. So nice for Christmas!The completed outfits minus the buttonholes and buttons!The boys are going to look so cute in their outfits....I am still trying to decide if I want to monogram Henry's sweater so that he really matches Grant and Eli. His sweater has green stripes that matches really well, but I think having his monogram on it would make it look even better! I guess it depends on how long it takes me to get the buttons done!
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sewing and Procrastinating

I am supposed to be working on Grant and Eli's Christmas John-Johns, but find myself procrastinating by reading various oh so interesting blogs. When I started this blogging stuff.....I thought, my life is so boring why would anyone want to read about it. Then I started reading other people's blogs and found their everyday boring stuff very interesting. So I think, maybe someone else will find my everyday boring stuff interesting too! Or maybe not! I don't think anybody other than me even looks at my blog......that's okay though, I find semi-anonymous blogging to be very therapeutic.

So here I am, procrastinating. Not making the boys' outfits. Did I mention that they both have to be sewn and monogrammed by Friday so we can have Christmas pictures made. I guess I should stop typing and start sewing.....Maybe I will post a picture of their outfits when {if} I get finished!
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Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday....

I survived the most anticipated and most dreaded day of shopping! We (four friends and myself) headed out yesterday {thanksgiving day} for 18 hours of shopping, shopping, shopping!

We walked and shopped and walked and shopped. Between the five of us we bought fabric remnants, wrapping paper, a grill, shoes, a TV, a food chopper, a ton of DVDs, toys, two Christmas trees, a watch, a lamp, 450 thread count sheets, moose munch,a couple of cups of Starbucks coffee, and too many more things to list! We barely got everything in the car for the ride home!

I would say that I am sufficiently shopped out for at least a week! Only a few more gifts left to get for Christmas, and I still have almost four weeks left to finish up....I definitely need to catch up on my sleep before anymore all night shopping trips!
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