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Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not me! Monday.

This blog carnival was created by MckMama over at My Charming Kids. Go check it out and join in!! It is SUPER fun!

I did NOT seriously reconsider our decision to sign Henry up for t-ball this year after his coach called and said their first practice would be next Saturday. I did NOT think that all the games and practices would be during the week, leaving Saturday for family stuff and being lazy.

I did NOT sweetly ask {force} my husband to go to the store and buy us some ice cream at 8:00 pm one night last week. We do NOT love the new Buttercrunch Blue Bell ice cream, and we have not eaten probably 10 half gallons since Novemeber!

I have NOT been carrying around a birthday present for my friend Tracy's little boy for more than a week and a half. I did NOT forget to give it to her everytime I saw her at church.

I did NOT get a lovely sunburn on Saturday while watching a {VERY family friendly} Mardi Gras parade. It was NOT very odd shaped, because I did not have on a scoop neck shirt with a pretty big necklace. My children also did NOT get a little sunburn because I always make sure to put sunblock on them before we go out in the sun!!

I was NOT a little glad that we didn't have Awana's at church last night. I do NOT need a break from working {and living} with a ton of preschoolers all the time. I did NOT go walking instead and then veg out on the couch for the rest of the night.
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Homemade Baby Food: UPDATE

Since my first attempt at making homemade baby food a few weeks ago, I have made a few more batches. I think I am getting a little better, and Eli is definitely liking what I am making for him.

I bought a new food processor {my old one was a $5 special and WAY too small} so that I could make bigger batches of baby food and freeze it. My new food processor {that only cost $25} works a lot better, and it gets the food much smoother than the old, smaller one.

I have tackled bananas and sweet potatoes, both of which were so much easier to make than the apples. Bananas you just peel and throw into the machine. Sweet potatoes are baked for about an hour, cooled down a little, cut in half, and then get scooped into the food processor. I did learn the hard way that you should wrap a sweet potato very well, or it will ooze and drip all over the bottom of your stove{YUCK}!

Eli LOVES his yummy bananas, and he did pretty well eating the sweet potatoes too!

Do you notice anything strange about these picture??

Eli has been eating his homemade baby food while sitting in an umbrella stroller!!

I tried the bumbo chair, but he leans over way too far {trying to play with his toes}.

I tried his bouncy seat, but he leans back way too much {because he is SO heavy}.

So, where is the high chair?

It's sitting in the utility room.

All gross and mildewed because it had been in the attic since Grant got big enough to sit in a booster seat at the table.

Really only the straps were mildewed, so I think I am going to call the manufacturer and see about just buying replacement straps. I hate to go out and spend money on a new high chair when we have a {not so} perfectly good one at home!

But in the meantime, Eli will be enjoying his meals from the comfort of his lovely umbrella stroller.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

My boys and their toys!

When I first found out that my oldest child was a boy, I remember thinking "Yuck!! Boys' toys are NO fun!!". I remembered all the toys that I had as a child {Barbie, My Little Pony, Rainbow Bright} and had hoped for the day that I would be able to play with those really girly toys again.

After three boys, I am stuck playing with dump trucks, super heroes, dinosaurs and trains. With almost five years of playing with boys' toys under my belt, I have found that some aren't nearly as bad as other. I have actually grown to like dinosaurs, and for Christmas this year I found some really cute {age appropriate} super heroes for the boys to play with. After reading Aileigh's post about her son and his trains, I started thinking about how much my boys really LOVE their Geotrax trains.

I think Henry got his first set of Geotrax for his second birthday. We have slowly added to the collection, and Grant got a big addition {a few trains, a bunch of tracks, and a train table that 'Santa' made for him} for Christmas two years ago. Even though the trains are a relatively old toy, my boys still play with them almost everyday!! They love to build tracks and hook the trains together. Henry and Grant will spend hours in the playroom building and playing with their trains {with only a few whines, hits, and tattles added in just because they are brothers}. The boys have so much fun with their Geotrax, and Jason and I even like to set up the train track sometimes to see what all we can build!

I guess boys' toys aren't as bad as I though they would be!!

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