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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Attempted Organization

This is my attempt at making a family calendar to organize our SUPER busy lives. I figured with Henry starting school and Grant starting preschool plus soccer season starting back up, I definitely needed a place to keep track of when and where we needed to be. I picked up a SUPER organized Dry Erase/Magnetic calendar from Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago. I decided to organize it even more by making color coded magnets for each day of the month. I printed out the numbers 1-31 on blue, green, and orange paper and used my circle cutter to cut out all the numbers into nice perfect circles. This way they would fit just right on the back of the glass beads without having to cut eat number out by hand.
I did every third number in blue {1,4, 7 ect} and did the same with the green and orange. I did that so each of my three boys would have certain days that would be theirs. If a chore needs to be done or if something special is going on, if it is their color day {Henry is blue, Grant is green, and Eli is orange} on the calendar then they are the one responsible for it. This probably won't be used for a while...at least not until the boys get a little older....but I figured I might as well go ahead and make it as organized as possible while I was doing it!
These glass beads from the floral section were just the right size to make date markers for the calendar.
This was my first time to use Modge Podge and I will definitely be using it again!
Here are the beads and the paper after I coated them with the Modge Podge. And these are the magnets that I put on the back of the beads once they were all dry.
The {almost} finished calendar...all nice and organized {for now}! I am thinking about attaching some clothes pins to the bottom of the calendar so I can clip appointment reminders and small notes to it. But until then, our family calendar is up and running and hopefully it will keep us SUPER organized!

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Party Time

The Birthday Boy!

SUPER cute cupcake cake!
Party favors for the kiddos. Rice Krispy Cupcakes.
Bowl full of party favorsSUPER cute plates and napkins
Eli's birthday balloons
Opening presents with daddy and Henry.
Eli with his smash cake that he would only touch with one finger at a time!
SUPER cute big boy!


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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Photo Story Friday: One Last Hurrah!

Yesterday, my friend Karen and I took Grant, Eli, and her little girl Lana to Chuck E Cheese for one last hurrah before Grant and Lana both start preschool on Tuesday. We had a ton of fun and after our last trip to CEC {with 6 kids} this one seemed like a piece of cake! It is amazing how much easier it is to deal with 3 kiddos as opposed to 6!
Grant and Lana had a great time playing games and they both ended up with almost 250 tickets...which is a lot considering last time each kid ended up with about 20!
Here are some pics of our SUPER fun day at Chuck E Cheese! Eli wasn't too impressed with Chuck E!
And Grant hid under the table pretending he was scared!
Grant playing a game...
and riding on a ride!
Eli had fun {sort of} on the train!
And they both loved playing basketball.

We all had a great time, and now we are looking forward to starting preschool on Tuesday!
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

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Thursday, September 3, 2009


THIS is what happens when you give Eli a handful of cheese bunnies and assume that he will put them in his mouth one at a time!
I will have to keep this in mind in the future.
{Sorry for the gross picture....it's just chewed up cheese bunnies though!}

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Awards For Days...

I am SUPER lazy about receiving, posting, and passing on awards! I hate that I am...but I can't seem to keep up with my awards or post them in a very timely manner. So I went searching back to see what awards I had so rudely ignored and I am doing a MASS award post!

Emily over at Powell Power has passed on "The Queen" award to me. Thanks so much Emily!! I can use any little bit of girlyness in my life that I can get living in a house with four males...even if it is just a picture of a crown!

I am passing this award on to Julie at Foursons, Shasta at Crackers and Chaos, and Tracy at Simply Smith,who all also live with all BOYS!


Emily also awarded me the Honest Scrap Award....about two months ago! The requirements for this award is that you have to post 10 honest things about yourself. Kind of hard....which is probably why I procrastinated this award for so long! But I guess I will give it a try now! 1. I am a very aggressive driver. I can't stand to be behind someone who is going under the speed limit or doesn't know how to go around curves without hitting their brakes!

2. I only had one other boyfriend besides Jason, and that was when I was 16. I guess since Jason and I started dating when we were 17 that kind of makes sense though!

3. I am a huge perfectionist...

4. BUT I am also a huge procrastinator which kind of interferes with my perfectionism a little bit!

5. I really don't like to cook. I LOVE to bake....but I don't think it would be very healthy for my family to live off of cookies, cakes, brownies, and pies!

6. Ohmygoodness....I'm only halfway there and I am SO out of ideas!

7. I LOVE the sitcom Friends and I have at least 6 of the seasons on DVD. I really could sit and watch old episodes all day long!

8. I hate to clothes shop for myself....mainly because I have a ton of "baby" weight to lose. Can you still call it baby weight if you youngest is about to turn one?!?

9. I try to eat healthy, but I have very little willpower when it comes to junk food. I have a huge box of Weight Watchers ice cream in the freezer that I will reach right past and grab the good stuff {Blue Bell is so good}!

10. The car dealer that we ordered my car from just called and said the car should be here in about a week! I am SUPER excited {and I know that I cheated a little on this one...but this was really hard}!

Nichol over at Kiddie Corner Deals awarded me with the Meme Award.

Nichol is SUPER fun and she always has awesome giveaways going on {I won one this month}! So, the requirements are to:
Thank the person who gave you the award.
List 7 personality traits about yourself and pass it on to 7 other bloggers with dynamic personalities

THANKS SO MUCH NICHOL! I am being SUPER lazy today and not really following the rules though....I may come back later and add my 7 traits and 7 bloggers!

Kimber over at Day in the Life of a Girl Named Kimber has passed on the Splash Award to me.

The Splash Award is given to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs
The Rules:
When you receive this award, you must:
Put the logo on your blog/post.
Nominate & link up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash Award.

I am passing this award on to
Emily at Powell Power
Lisa at One Hip Mom
Alicia at More Than Words
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Monthly Craft Challenge

Heidi over at Blue Eyed Blessings has announced the theme for this month's Craft Challenge.
It is all about Fall and Halloween this month, and I can't wait to start working on some fun holiday themed crafts! Go check out Heidi's blog to get more information about the Montly Craft Challenge. You'll have one month to create and we'll all "meet up to link up" at Blue Eyed Blessings on Thursday, October 1st. I can't wait to see what everyone crafts up this month!
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Friday, August 28, 2009

Out the Window

That is where my computer almost went yesterday!

For some reason, I was having trouble loading blogger yesterday....and I think it was my cookies. How sad that cookies could cause that much trouble! The strange thing was that it was ONLY blogger that wouldn't load. I could check my email, browse through facebook, and do my banking but for some strange reason I could NOT get my blogger dashboard to load. Every time I tried to open up blogger my computer started to have a virtual seizure! Seriously, I have never seen a computer screen do that before....and it did it all day long! I played around with some of setting trying to fix it, but nothing seemed to help.

Then yesterday after dinner, soccer practice, baths, and bedtime Jason sat down at the computer, clicked a few buttons and VOILA he fixed it! I was SUPER excited to see my dashboard {which I hadn't seen all day} but a little aggravated that he was able to fix it so quickly after I spent all day dealing with it! Oh well, it is fixed now and I have a ton of blog reading to catch up on....

While my computer was being uncooperative yesterday, I did manage to get a few things {and a nap} done around the house. I made Eli a cute John John to wear in his first birthday pictures, which we are going to take today! I spent about two hours yesterday cutting our fabric and sewing his outfit. Then I spent another two hours sewing on the buttons {not really, I just hate sewing on buttons so it seems like it takes that long}! I also made all three boys some SUPER cute shirts with some SUPER cute material that I picked up earlier this week.
Besides trying to climb on everything in sight, here is what Eli has been up to this week:

Grant had his 4 year old shots on Monday and then had to be quarantined {at least from me} at my parent's house for three days. Because of the medicines that I am on, I could not be around him after having live vaccines....a little crazy....and probably not likely that I would actually get sick from him, but we played it safe anyway. So he got to spend the first part of the week being spoiled by grandparents and great grandparents.

Today Henry got to dress up like a doctor for school. They have been learning about community helpers all week, and today they are learning about people in the medical profession. So Dr. Henry went to school today all ready to "nurse" his patient back to health!

We are off to get haircuts and take pictures today....wish us luck that Eli's birthday pictures turn out SUPER cute, and that he doesn't make too big of a mess with his smash cake!

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