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Monday, June 28, 2010

Breakfast Nook Ideas

A few months ago, we moved Eli out of a high chair and into a booster seat. So, for the past few months we have been stuffing 5 chairs around a table that is only big enough for 4. We have officially outgrown our table!
We decided to swap out our current 4 seater table for our bigger dining room table, but something still isn't just right about the space. I have been trying to think of the best way to use our breakfast room, and I keep coming back to something kind of like these pictures:
{all photos from the Better Homes and Gardens website}

I love the look of the built in bench under the windows. It makes the space so cozy, plus adds a ton of storage. I'm thinking this would be a great place for the boys' school and art supplies. Now, I just have to decide what style to go with and get Jason busy with his saw, nail gun, and paint brush:)

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Friday, June 25, 2010

FREE 4 All Friday!


It's the fourth Friday of the month.
That means it's my turn to host FREE 4 All Fridays!
Because everybody likes free stuff, right!?!
Summer is officially here!
And it is officially HOT!

So to help you cool off this summer, I am giving away a $15 gift card to the ice cream store of your choice!
Baskin Robbins
Marble Slab
Cold Stone
Dairy Queen
You pick the place, and the ice cream will be on me:)

To enter:
Leave a comment telling me your favorite kind of ice cream.

For another entry, follow my blog and leave me a comment telling me that you do.

For another entry, follow me on twitter, and leave a comment telling me that you do.

For another entry, tweet about this giveaway and include @SUPERMOM_Kelli in the tweet.

For one more entry, stop by Mimi's place and tell her "HI" too!

I will use random.org to pick a winner on Sunday! Good Luck and thanks for entering!

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Entertainment Center Turned Bench...Finally!

About two months ago, we decided to buy a new couch.
Buying a new couch meant rearranging furniture.
Rearranging furniture meant this piece that was once used as an entertainment center now needed a new purpose. I decided it was the perfect piece to turn into a bench. It was the just the right height for sitting, plus there is a ton of room in the two side cabinets to store toys! The first thing I did was use Gorilla Glue to attach some thin pieces of wood to the doors...
..and sides of the entertainment center. I wanted to add a little bit of interest to the otherwise plain boring sides. Jason already had these thin pieces of wood left over from a previous project, so all I had to do was cut them to the correct length and glue them on.
After the Gorilla Glue was dry {technically like two weeks after}, I primed the entire piece with Zinsser Oil Based Primer...the same primer that I used to redo my end table. After the primer was dry, I added a coat of glossy white paint...the primer was so good that it only need one coat of the glossy paint to look pretty great! I reattached the original hinges {which were black}, and picked up two new decorative black knobs to replace the small silver ones.
I bought a piece of foam and cut it to the correct size for the top of the bench. FYI: Foam is expensive....if you have any old cushions that you aren't using, save them!
I also picked up a tablecloth at Target to make a cover for the foam. I got a great textured material for less than $10...if I had bought something similar at the fabric store it would have cost a fortune! I wrapped the material around the foam, pinned it in place, and sewed up the edges. I left the back open, so that I can remove the cover and wash it if it ever gets dirty or stained {which is going to happen in my house full of boys}! Throw in a couple of rattan baskets and two decorative pillows that match the throw pillows on the couch, and now I have an awesome bench and even better toy storage piece!

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