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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Valentine's Day (just a little late)

Just a quick addition to my WW post:
Eli is having tubes put in tomorrow morning bright and early, so if you would, please say a little prayer for Eli and his doctors and nurses! I am feeling very comfortable with the surgery, and I am hopeful that this will help his little ears feel better. He has been battling ear infections since this summer, and I am a little worried that his hearing and speech may have been affected. We will be doing a follow up hearing test after the surgery to check. But for tomorrow, we are just praying for a quick, easy, and successful surgery! Thanks in advance for your prayers:)

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Tina said...

Awww! So cute!

Praying Eli's surgery goes well and the tubes help with his ear infections.

Anonymous said...

Praying for Eli. Hope all goes well and he is feeling better after they do it. They really do help. Hugs and Prayers.

Leah said...

My kids LOVE Valentine's Day too!

Will pray for your little one. My youngest had ear tubes then she had them redone and her adenoids taken out also. I hope everything goes well.

Heather (One Take On Life) said...

I will pray everything goes smoothly. And you are ok as well, it is scary for parents to have to go through any surgery with little ones. My son got ear tubes at 8 months old. They did wonders. Hang in there.

Dee said...

oh my goodness! How cute! And Eli is in my prayers!

{Kimber} said...

adorable pics...

praying for little Eli {and mommie} :)

Ehrenfelds said...

I'll be praying for Eli! It seems like we are on similar paths just waiting for one more ear infection and then Makayla will have tubes. Josiah has already had them and they worked FANTASTIC for him. Only 2 ear infections since they have fallen out and that was stretched over a year :)

Myya said...

Definitely praying for little Eli. Hope all goes well & he feels better really soon!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Those pictures are awesome! You are so talented!! It looks like a good Valentines Day. I love working in the classroom for those class parties. So fun!

I will be saying a prayer for your little Eli. Good luck tomorrow!


mommy2luke2008 said...

Looks like he had fun!!!

Eli will be in my prayers!!
stopping by from Miller Racing Family

Kelli said...

Prayers sent up for little Eli (and you).

4 Lettre Words said...

So sweet!

We will definitely include Eli (and you!) in our prayers. XO!

Jenilee said...

I will pray for him! :) cute pictures :)

Sarah said...

Stopping by for Wordless Wednesday. :-) Cute pictures and cute boys! Praying that the surgery goes perfect.

More Than Words said...

Aww, poor baby!

Praying, Kelli!

Miller Racing Family said...

Love the Valentine baskets. I will put Eli on the prayer list!
Have a great Wednesday!

Tracey said...

Great pics - and I will say a prayer for Eli~ Tubes did the trick for Thomas when he was little. Keep us posted~ :)

Anonymous said...

Sure will add Eli to my prayers! Stay strong Mama, you are doing the right thing!

Happy Wordless Wednesday!


Cascia Talbert said...

I will keep him in my prayers! I'm sure everything will go well. Have a wonderful day!

Angie said...

The boys look so handsome all V-day'ed up!

I will say prayers for sure...he is so sweet in that last pic :)

Trish said...

My 2nd daugter, Grace, had her first set of tubes put in at 20 months. I was scared, but the surgery was really easy. She was feeling herself within hours and could hear remarkably well by the next day. Her speech also immediately picked up and she was on-track within a month and now never stops talking.

We'll be praying for Eli tomorrow morning.

Jennifer W. said...

Cute Valentine stuff and pics! I guess you won't be at Bible study tomorrow, huh? I'll put Eli's name on the prayer list, and of course I'll say a prayer. :)

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for Eli! Brayden had tubes at 14 months and he did great, he has only had 2 ear infections since his tubes, versus the 13 ear infections he had in his first 14 months. He will be fine! :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable pictures! Hope all goes well tomorow!

Tracy said...

Cute pics. Poor little Eli, we will be praying for him. Let me know if ya need anything.

He & Me + 3 said...

I will be praying. SM had tubes as well. It was an easy surgery and super quick..like 5 minutes once they took him back. Hope he does just as well as SM did.
Love all the red and the valentines. Cute.

Carrie said...

Such cute littel Valentine's! I love this age when they get those cute little cards :)

Praying for sweet little Eli...I bet he recovers in a jiffy! They seem to do better the younger they are. I'm sure there will be no more problems and things will be so much better for him after the surgery! Yippee :)

Stephanie said...

Love the Valentine boxes!!!!

Praying for Eli tomorrow. Keep us posted on how he does. Lucas had to have tubes when he was a baby and I had 5 sets before I turned 5. He'll do well and I pray his ears are much better after it's all done.!

Foursons said...

Praying for that sweet boy! Let us know how it goes. (My experience is that once they get the tubes they will catch up on speech quickly.)

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Will be praying!!

What great pictures!!! Looks like a good valentine's day!!

Bits-n-Pieces said...

like I tweeted to you...still prayin. (I'm robinmock on twitter!)
I've never had to go through that with my kids, but we did do the tonsil/adenoids when my oldest was 4.
God will take care of you both! :)

BK said...

Sending positive thoughts to Eli and the team of doctors and nurses.

Leslie said...

I just said a prayer for you guys. The surgery will be so quick it'll blow your mind, but everything will be great and it will help! (We're on our second set now - the first didn't last long or make much of a change for her, but this second set has been AMAZING the difference we've seen.) Everyone told me that the surgery was "nothing" and it is short and simple, but it's still your baby leaving you, so it's hard and that's ok, but he will be fine and back to you before you know it. I will remember to add you to my prayers all day today and tomorrow. :)

MommaD said...

Looks like things went ok w/ur Eli's surgery. Rest assured it took us A LOT longer to figure out that that was what was going on with Gabriel (boy #2) and the hearing loss was temporary, and he caught up speech wise in no time (he was four when he had the surgery). Hoping Eli is babbling and hearing ur whispers already!

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