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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Got Bread?

I do!
 A friend passed on a starter of Amish Friendship Bread to me last week and this is what I ended up with:
I think you are technically supposed to divide the batter into two loaf pans.
But I used my Angel Food cake pan instead!
It turned out so yummy!

I obviously couldn't wait to take pictures before I cut into it and tasted it!

So now I have three of these:
that I have to pass on to someone else!
Have you ever made Amish Friendship Bread before?!?

Pin It!


Kelli said...

I haven't but I hear that it is really good. How sweet of her to pass that on to you...I'm sure it's because you are a great friend!

carissa said...

oh, God bless konnie! that bread is amazing. i'm craving it now.

KTW said...

LOVE friendship bread! Do you know that you can change it up so you don't get bored with it? I used to make it often but ended up with so many frozen that I stopped. If you make the kind that you add a box of instant pudding to, there are so many variations! Plus all the little add-ins to make it interesting...raisins, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, nuts, etc. But I'll warn you! You'll run out of people who are willing to take the extra starters so you end up baking LOTS of the stuff yourself! ;) (That is, if you're like me and you just can't bear throwing any of it away!)

amanda said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE amish bread. it's especially good with chocolate chips. :0) my mom used to make it all the time. i haven't had it in years.

Foursons said...

I have heard of it and always meant to make it, But of course that hasn't happened yet.

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Oh yum! That is the best bread ever! It's been a few years since I've been given a starter, but it seemed like I used to make it all the time. It is so delicious! I, too, like chocolate chips in mine. But then again, what *don't* I like chocolate in?

He & Me + 3 said...

How fun and yummy. I have heard of it but never made it. Looks delish!

Elizabeth said...

I have made it but it was years ago, during a time in my life where I rarely baked and cooked. I would love to bake some now since I LOVE to bake and cook! I'm sure a slice of that with a nice cup of coffee would be DELISH!

heidi said...

Love it! I have a recipe for the starter that I always toy with making but, uh, laziness takes over. LOL

Stephanie said...

I have made sourdough but not the amish friendship bread. It looks soooo yummy!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it yummy! I baked mine yesterday{a few days late} haha! I'm glad you like it, and I also have 3 bags of starter left to give away, to bad you can't mail it! lol! We love the chocolate bread but I think I am going to try the apple cinnamon next week. It is a great thing to be able to bake and give to older people in the community, I have done that and they appreciate getting it.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, And the best part is the cinnamon crusty stuff on the outside! LOL!

More Than Words said...

I always wanted to try this!! I love your pictures of it! Looks really good!!

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

Thank you so so so much for visiting my blog and posting comments!! I really appreciate it!!


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I LOVE amish bread! Not making it as much as eating it, but it is so darn good!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I have made it before...delicious!

Anonymous said...

I just made some a couple weeks ago. If you like lemon make it with lemon pudding it's amazing!!!

Myya said...

I've made it a few times... I think the best was adding in choc. pudding mix. I haven't had a "start" in quite some time though. Looks YUM-ME!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of it, and I'm a bit confused as to how it works. I see some google-ing in my future... :-) I love the pan you used, though! Also, your boys are ADORABLE.

OK, and then to follow the "rules," I found you via Follow Me Friday. It was my first time playing, and there's such a WIDE variety of blogs in there, so I'm glad I found one that really appealed to me! Adding you to my reader one I hit "submit" :-)

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I love Amish Friendship bread!! What recipe did you use? I am looking for some new ones to try (for the final bread, not for the starter.)

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