Henry had a little difficulty with the monkey bars Wednesday morning.
{this is a picture from January...not this week} And now he will be wearing a cast on his left arm for the next two weeks!

The doctor said his arm wasn't broken, probably just cracked. They put a cast on to protect his arm and to help it heal more quickly.

We go back in two weeks to get his cast taken off and to take more x-rays.

But for now, Henry will be sporting a neon green cast and avoiding the pool:)
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Sorry to hear it! Hope everything heals just right.
The baby!!! Love the cast. Do you know now they have swimming casts...interesting. Glad to hear it wasn't a break and that he's OK.
Poor little guy...though he looks like he's handling it okay. Love the green cast.
I love that at least they make fun colored casts now days. At least it can be sorta fun! He looks so brave sitting on that big table!
OH man! What rotten timing! Poor guy. And look how brave he was!
Bummer~ especially the pool part. However, he looks super proud of his cast... only a boy! Have a great weekend. Jenn
Poor little guy! I hope it stays off when he goes back for x-rays!
Awe, poor little buddy! He looks like quite the little trooper, though :) Hoping the next two weeks go quickly for him as I'm sure he'll want that off quickly!
Ouch! Get better quick!!
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OH NO! Summer is the WORST time to wear a cast! hope all is well in 2 weeks! :)
Oh poor baby...although he doesn't look like he's doing too badly especially with that super cool neon green cast! When I was 6 I broke my left elbow over Memorial Day weekend while camping from doing what...falling from the monkey bars! Although way back was an ugly white plaster cast...I think I like his much better! Hope it heals quickly!!
What a complete bummer for him...I hope it heals well and you have good news to report in two weeks...
Hope he heals fast, don't you just hate to see them get hurt. But he looks like he was so brave.
Oh No! Definitely not the way to start off the summer. Hopefully, it will be healed in the two weeks. Poor thing.
Poor little pool. :( Bathtime should be interesting. Hope he's feeling okay!
OH bummer! What a way to start off the summer :( Hope these two weeks go fast! He looks a little proud of it, though ;) Love the green!
My daughter LOVES monkey bars, but it scares the living hell out of me to let her on them!! At least he got a cast in a color that he likes. :) You have to make lemonade out of the lemons!
Following you from Follow Me Friday!! Hope you visit and follow me as well! Have a great weekend!
Awwww! Poor little guy! :( What a bummer of a way to have to start his summer break. Hope he heals quickly!
Oh No! What a way to start off the summer!!! Hope it can come off in 2 weeks and he can spend the rest of the summer swimming :)
Hi...stumbled across ur blog...what a beautiful family. I'm ur newest follower :)
Oh no. I hope it's off in two weeks as well so he can enjoy being a kid! I've never had a cast so I don't even know what it's like, but I bet it's not fun. Have a great weekend
Oh man! Hope it heals quickly! Love that neon green color :D
Ouchie! Poor lil guy, although in the last pic he looks pretty happy so he must think it is cool. Isn't his color Blue? That is why he is smiling... he is getting one over on Mom :)
Oh no! Poor Henry. He looks like he took it well though!
Oh goodness!!! I guess on the bright side it's only 2 weeks but it probably be a long 2 weeks.
Oh no! I hope it heals quickly!
oh, that stinks. but at least he gets a cool green cast!! i remember when i was little being jealous of someone because they had a cast! lol.
Oh my gosh, OUCH! Poor baby! Was he in alot of pain?
Poor guy. I hope this doesn't ruin all your summer fun. I hope he isn't in to much pain.
Love the green! And glad it's only two weeks before he can be swimming and bathing again!
poor baby!!! hope it heals quickly!
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