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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Recycled Frame Wreath

I have been wanting to make a square wreath for a while...the only problem was I couldn't seem to find a wreath form that was square! So when I decided to finally do something with my big stack of old dusty picture frames, I realized that I didn't need to buy a square wreath form:) I could just recycle some old frames and turn them into a cute wreath! 
Recycled Picture Frame Craft #2
I started with an 8X10 frame {that's what I had on hand, but I think a bigger frame would look even better},
some red burlap, and some fun polka dot Christmas fabric.
I cut the burlap into long strips that were about 4 inches wide, and I cut the polka dot fabric into long strips that were about two inches wide. You are going to layer the polka dot fabric on top of the burlap, so you can make your pieces any width that you like, just make sure that the burlap is bigger so it can be seen under the polka dot material.
Layer the polka dot material on top of the burlap and the make ruffles.
**Use whatever technique works for you or google instructions for how to make ruffles, because I have no tips on ruffling...I had a really difficult time with them {this is the project I was working on when I burned my thumb with hot glue}! I'm even thinking of getting a ruffle foot for my sewing machine after the fun I had trying to get my ruffles to work:)**
After you get your ruffles made, line them up along the length of your frame, measure, cut, and hot glue them in place.
Use your hot glue gun to add a strip of fabric or some coordinating ribbon to the top of the wreath as a hanger, and then marvel at how lovely your old dusty picture frame is as a Christmas wreath!
My sweet friend Liz is having a fun Countdown to Christmas every Thursday in December. Hop over and check out all the fun Christmas things that she and everyone else are doing this year:)
Countdown to Christmas

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Kristol Faucheux said...

Kelli, this is way cute!! I'm a huge fan of square wreaths also.

Connie said...

What a great idea! I love it!

Ladybug's Mom said...

The easiest way I've ever made ruffles is to lay a piece of dental floss down and do a zig zag stitch over it, then just pull out the floss. Instant ruffles!

Anonymous said...

Super cute as ever!

Kelli said...

This is so cute and creative (as usual). I would have never thought to use that frame...so smart. I love, love that polka dot fabric.

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Well now that is the cutest wreath ever! I love how you used a square frame . . . so unique!! Thanks so much for linking up. And how is your burn, by the way?

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE! So cute! Love the fabric, the shape the ruffle! Great project!

Charlene Juliani said...

Genius! I saw that square wreath in a magazine (Good Housekeeping, I think?) and thought it was cute, but you're right they don't make square wreath forms, so using a picture frame is smart thinking.

Looks great!

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

so cute. I love square wreaths but never thought to use a frame!! Genius!

Bridget said...

Very cute wreath! Great idea for those picture frames.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

LOVE it, Kelli!!! Super cute with the ruffles. :)

Darcie said...

...and that is why we keep following you my dear...because you continue to amaze us! Who would have thought of using an old picture frame to make a square wreath..you would have!! Very cute.

jennykate77 said...

SO cute!! What a clever idea! :)

Jenni R. said...

great idea--so cute! thanks for helping me think outside the box (round wreaths)!

Myya said...

What a great idea to use an old frame! So how is your hand healing up? Good I hope!

Angie said...

LOVE! I never thought to do a square wreath!

LacyHolly said...

This is a great idea! I love the look of a square wreath :) Thank you for sharing.

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

I love this idea. Totally cute!

Allyson/HBMomof2 said...

Came over from Skip To My Lou. I love this idea. I love square wreaths also and don't know where "everyone" gets their forms. This is a great solution and one I can't wait to use.

Debra@Dejarenew.blogspot.com said...

Great idea and I have a bazillion frames doing nothing but being frames! Love it. Very cute.

By the way, new follower here!
Would love it if you swung by and joined me as well.
Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Jayna Rae said...

This really caught my eye over at the Tater Tots and Jello linky. I LOVE it!!! What a wonderful creation.

Jana said...

Super cute!

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