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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rainbow Waffles

Everything is more fun when it is in a rainbow of colors, especially food and especially food made for St. Patrick's Day! I wanted to try something a little different this year....I've already made rainbow cupcakes and rainbow pudding pops, so I though waffles would be a nice change of pace:)
I started with a box mix prepared according to the waffle directions, but you can use your favorite waffle recipe. I divided the batter and then colored it with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple Wilton gel food coloring.
**FYI don't evenly divide the batter...you need way more red and orange than you do blue and purple so divide and color your batter accordingly or you may end up eating a blue and purple waffle while your kiddos enjoy their rainbow ones!
Quickly and carefully add the colored batter to your warmed {ROUND} waffle iron. I found it was easiest to start in the center with a small circle of the purple and work my way to the outside with the colors making rings around the center. The batter will spread a little, just make sure to work quickly and get the circle sort of right! I think this would be easiest using squeeze bottles or maybe even putting the batter in ziploc bags, but I was in a hurry and spooning the batter onto the waffle iron worked just fine too!
Close the lid of your waffle iron and let them cook.
When you take your waffle out of the waffle iron it will look kind of like a tie dyed mess. The beauty of using a circle waffle iron to make these is that all you have to do to turn this mess into a rainbow is cut the waffle in half!
Add a few whipped cream clouds and get ready for the kiddos to squeal with excitement...at least that's what mine did anyway:)
I know what we will be having for breakfast on March 17th!
Pin It!


myevil3yearold said...

cue. I could totally do this one. You have posted two in a row that I can do. I am totally un-artsy

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

These are adorable...LOVE the 'clouds'!!

Amanda said...

A DEFINITE MUST for St Patty's day! Thank you for such a great idea!!!

Foursons said...

Yup, it is certain now. My kids are soooo deprived.

Kmama said...

That is so creative! My boys would love that. Of course, we don't have a waffle maker. :-(

I'll be getting my post to you today!

Anonymous said...

I need a waffle iron, it's been on my wish list for so long. This is so cute especially with the added clouds!

Unknown said...

sooooo cute! I wish I was as creative as you. Good thing I have you to help with that little area! I may make these for my nephew this weekend!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Those are so cool, Kelli! We love waffles in our house. :) I usually do the whole grain eggo ones for the girls if it's for breakfast, but we love to do *real* waffles for dinner. My kids would flip for this!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

And, P.S. how insane is that we always comment on each other's blogs at the same exact time??! ;)

Unknown said...

How fun! I love this idea!

Tracy said...

I cannot wait until next week! St. Paddy's day is going to be so much fun around here...thank you for all the great ideas!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

SO cute! Now I have to get out my waffle maker--I use it so infrequently that I have no idea what shape it is. I hope it is a round one!

~ Sarah

Angie said...

I love those...now I feel the need to purchase a waffle maker :)

Unknown said...

This is brilliant! They are so adorable!

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

I LOVE THIS! Right up there with rainbow cupcakes. Waffles and cupcakes are two of the most perfect foods.

heidi said...

So cute!!!!

Jaymerz said...

My kids would love these!! Thanks for sharing.

ashley said...


Joanna said...

First off, I want a waffle iron like that! And finally...oh my goodness what a fabulous idea!!

Ashley said...

How stinkin adorable!!

{Peppermint Plum} said...

Umm, you are brilliant. These rainbow waffles are THE CUTEST food ever! :)

-Annie @ {Peppermint Plum}

Clifford Jeffery said...

That is awesome!! Thanks for another great recipe post!

The Bonjour Four said...

So awesome! May have to try these out. My son (and hubby) would love them!

{Peppermint Plum} said...

Just gave you a quick feature/shout-out on our blog. Your rainbow waffle awesomeness needed to be shared! :)

-Annie @ {PeppermintPlum}

Anonymous said...

these look so awesome. i hope i'm quick enough on the waffle maker! haha. i linked over to you on my blog today. http://wifemomwoman.wordpress.com/2011/03/10/st-patricks-day-food-and-treats-ideas/ thanks for the great idea!

Cassie said...

These are so darn fantastic!! I love them!!

Paula@SweetPea said...

What a cute way to make breakfast fun for your kids! They had to have loved this!

Anonymous said...

The clouds add the perfect touch!

Miller Racing Family said...

This is fabulous. I think it would put a smile on anyone's face in the morning!
Thanks for sharing and I loved the clouds!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Those are so cool!!!

Miyuki@With These Hands said...

You are hands down a Supermom! great idea!! I will make them real soon!!

Moms of all Trades said...

I love this you might even like my "Patty Pancakes!"


More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh, I want to go to your house for breakfast!!!

carissa said...

you really are such a cool mom. i hope to be as cool as you someday! : ) awesome waffles.

Unknown said...

I LOVE these!

I have featured these in my St. Patty's Day Inspirations. You inspire me!!! Find the link here:
If you'd like to grab an A++ button to add to your site, you'll find it at the bottom of the blog post.

Thanks for sharing your amazing idea!!

SugarDerby said...

i saw these on sun scholar... a-dor-able!!!!
oh man... so cute!

SweetSugarBelle said...

This is an.adorable idea!

Unknown said...

These are so fun! I featured you on my blog:

Feel free to grab a button!!

Jess said...

new to your blog..this caught my eye over at jag...i can't wait to try this!!!

Katherines Corner said...

What a fun idea! Love it :-)

Jamie @ hands on : as we grow said...

WE LOVE WAFFLES!! lol - I gotta try coloring some food!!

I'm excited to feature this on my weekly High Five! - but this week is a special High Ten! because I'm behind and couldn't narrow down the choices.

High Ten! Friday

Thanks for the great idea!
Jamie @ hands on : as we grow

Krissy said...

amazing!~ love 'em - stopping by from tickled pink :)

Stephanie said...

These are too cute. Here lately I am liking all things rainbow.

mel {domesticatedlady} said...

LOVE!!! Now if I could just get you to come over and make them, say, around 8 tomorrow morning? :)

Trina said...

I just wanted to let you know that I showed your rainbow waffles off over at my blog today. I hope that is okay!! What a great idea!
Trina @ alove2create.blogspot.com

Dee said...

So cool! I bet my kids would love this!

Kitty B said...

It turned out so awesome! such a great idea!!!

Kitty Deschanel said...

I've seen this idea for rainbow cakes, but never, ever thought to apply it to waffles! Hubby is in for a shocking breakfast tomorrow ;)

If you get a chance, I'd love for you to link this up for my Not "Baaad" blog hop, which is up right now. It's unlike other linkies in that you actually compete with the other linked posts for my Best in Show award :)

Meghan said...

I would have never thought of rainbow pancakes. I love it!!!! And the whipped cream clouds add the perfect accent.

Lisa said...

I had already book marked your idea then I saw the whip cream clouds and became even more excited!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Moore Minutes said...

Sooo cute!! I love that last photo. This is such an awesome idea!

KM Studios said...


Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

THAT IS SO CUTE!! LOVE IT! Visiting from TT&J !
Have a great weekend!

Myya said...

You have got to be one of the most fun moms ever! I wanna do this!!!

Monica said...

wowwwwww,it's fantastic!!!

Kathleen said...

Very original...may I share on my blog?? Email me if you don't want me to repost. I can't wait to have this fun again with grandchildren..!!

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

Kelli, these are marvelous!!

rilojane said...

I'm SO excited to make these! We're big waffle fans in my house, so these will go over very well!! Thanks!! (...and thanks to Edible Crafts for linking me over here)

Janet said...

These are so fun and creative! Thanks for the idea.

Unknown said...

these are awesome! i don't have kids but i think my husband will be equally excited lol

Quirky Jessi said...

Aww, what a great idea! Love them!

Unknown said...


Bec@littlelucylu said...

Totally doing this! Thanks for the adorable idea! :-)

Maggie said...

cute, we have a square waffle maker, guess ours will be a triangle rainbow...

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

I love this! I think I already commented and said that lol. I am a follower and I am having my first ever linky party for kids activities and I would LOVE if you would come link up this project! Hope to see you soon!

Carey C. Bailey said...

Holy moly! So fun. With Joy, Carey

alison said...

This is FANTASTIC, I am including in my featured Idea List on my blog @

Anonymous said...

Super cute! My kids are going to love these!

Kyla Armstrong said...

I featured your darling rainbow loveliness in my roundup!


meg duerksen said...


Laurel {Make and Takes} said...

I'm dying over how great this is, especially that last picture with the whipped cream! So fun! I'd love for you to submit this to the M&T Spotlight at http://www.makeandtakes.com/spotlight

Unknown said...

All I need is a waffle maker. :o) Might have to add that to the shopping list just so I can make these for my daughter. She would LOVE it!

Honey I'm Home Blog said...

How adorable! I'm going to try this!

Warmly, Michelle


We are hosting a linky party THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS with "Everything GREEN for St. Patrick's Day". We would LOVE for you to link up this amazing recipe!


Stefani said...

My little boys will love this!! I can't wait to make them. {{smiles}}

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

So now I want to buy a waffle maker!!

Frugalissa Finds said...

Linked up to you. Awesome!

Fallan said...

That looks so yummy and cute!

rilojane said...

Ohmigosh... mine did NOT turn out like this! I think my batter is considerably thinner than yours. A note to those who want to give it a shot- a thicker batter will yield a rainbow. Thin batter will have a more tie-dyed effect.
Less Leprechan, more Jerry Garcia.

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

These are awesome. I totally need a waffle maker!

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

so cute!! Great job!

Johanna said...

I love these!! I'm going to have to get a waffle maker. I showcased these on my blog with a link back to you. Thanks for sharing.

danceraedance said...

I am new to blogging and just stumbled upon your amazing blog and this post! I think these are adorable.
I tried making them-- missing your little hint about making less purple and blue and more red and orange. So-- I decided to reverse the order and have purple on the outside and red on the middle

Angie A said...

i love that you even put the colors in the right order, I made a rainbow cake when I was trying to teach my niece ROY G BIV! :)

Anele @ Success Along the Weigh said...

Yep, pretty sure that's about the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Unknown said...

My kids would have LOVED this when they were younger. So fun!
Saw this through Kevin and Amanda and now I'm following you.
Stop by my blog for a visit if you have a chance.
Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

there used to be this website about all these different things you could do/make with a waffle iron. oh how I wish the two of you had gotten together with all these waffley coolness.

Jamie said...

Hello, I LOVE the rainbow waffles you made for your kids! I hope it's okay, I've featured it in a creative and colorful foods for St. Patrick's Day hub. You can see it here:


Thank you so much for sharing!

Cassidy said...

So awesome!! LOVE this idea! Thanks for sharing.

Kim Vij said...

I know Little Chef in my kitchen that will love these. I've added it to my Board of Cooking with Kids! http://pinterest.com/educatorsspinon/cooking-with-kids/

Lindy@Itsy Bitsy Paper said...

Good Morning! I featured you on Fun Friday Finds today. I hope you will stop by and check it out. http://www.itsybitsypaperblog.com/2012/03/fun-friday-finds-rainbow-food.html

Shelly Lynn said...

This is such a super cute idea!! One that I am sure the kiddos will absolutely love!
I would love to feature it on my site at www.prekfun.com if that is okay with you?
It is a curriculum resource for Early Childhood Ed. professionals and Parents. Let me know if this would be okay.
I will be glad to post a link back to your blog beneath your photo for all the directions and the other pics. Once your idea is posted, I will gladly send you a "Featured on Pre-K Fun" image that you can add to your blog if you would like.



Ddels said...

i tried this, but my waffle iron browns the waffles and the colors were lost, if i set the iron lower then they do not get done...what do you do to maintain the colors?

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