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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Disney Crafts: Autograph Book

One of the most memorable things about a Disney vacation is getting to meet the characters. Before our last trip I remember worrying about my boys being scared of the characters, but when we got to Disney my boys couldn't get enough of them. Well, except for the princesses who they refuse to even stand beside for a picture:) Getting autographs is a big part of meeting Mickey, Donald, and even the Green Army Man, so every kid needs to have an autograph book. Sure you can buy the ones that they sell in all the gift shops, but why not make your own really cute {personalized} version for way less money!
 I started our autograph books with a small spiral bound notebook that I picked up at Walmart for less than $2. Using my Silhouette, I cut a few Mickey heads and the year out of white contact paper. Because the contact paper is so thin {and I was trying to cover up the writing on the cover of the notebook} I had to do a double layer of Mickey heads on the cover. Then I cut each of my boys' first initials out in black vinyl { I used a font called Waltograph} and put the initial onto the white Mickey head. If you look closely at the top right corner, you can see that I also added a small piece of black vinyl to cover up the smaller logo {Mead} that was on the front cover.
 To add a little bit of color, I wove a piece of red and white checked ribbon through the metal spirals of the notebook and tied a knot in one end. On the other end of the ribbon, I tied on a retractable Sharpie that is just the right size for the characters to sign their names. {I read somewhere that it is hard for them to grip smaller pens with their big character hands, and these retractable Sharpies worked wonderfully on our last trip.}
Now all three of my boys are ready to get some autographs from Mickey Mouse and all the gang...and I'm hoping maybe we can manage to get at least one picture with a princess:)
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Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

Great project. I have no talent in crafts what-so-ever, so I love living vicariously through everyone else.

bonnieboatwright@gmail.com said...

These are adorable Kelli!

Miller Racing Family said...

What a super cute idea. I love the little splash of red.

Jennifer said...

I totally made one of these for our Disneyland vacation...of course it was left in the stroller my brother borrowed and forgotten until we got home! You should check out Mousewait if you have a Droid or iphone...best app for a Disney vacation EVER.

Foursons said...

I had no idea you were supposed to get autographs there. How do those characters write with their enormous gloves?

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Super duper fun idea! I can't wait to make these for my kids when we go in April!

Kelly said...

Super cute idea! Love it! I made some for my kids too and they loved them. What machine do you have for your vinyls?

Patricia said...

Oh Wow!! Adorable!!

I am a new follower from

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Precious! I've heard the same thing about the characters' hands too. Is the blank Mickey head a template, or did you design it yourself? Love this idea!!!

More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh..of course you did!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are great!!!!!

Richella Parham said...

You are one. smart. mama. :)

Honestly, what a great idea! And I love that used the font that's like Walt Disney's handwriting! That's so cool! Your boys are going to have such a good time.

destiny said...

Great job! I love it!! I need to do the same thing for our trip to Disneyland! What perfect timing!!

Angie said...

Cute idea!!! I have so much to learn about Disney :)

Melanie @ bear rabbit bear said...

Love this post! My daughter is all about Mickey and Minnie right now (we're doing a Minnie theme for her bday- minniemousebirthday.blogspot.com).

I'd love for you to link this and any other kid or teen related posts that you have to our "Crafts for Under Twenty Somethings" party tomorrow! it will be located on our main blog- bearrabbitbear.blogspot.com


Mkay_83 said...

I am very new to the blogging community and wanted to ask you questions, if you have time to answer them, but I don't know how to communicate to you without just posting a comment.

Kelli said...

You are absolutely making me want to go with you! I love these notebooks and that you were resourceful to know they have a harder time with smaller pens.

Anonymous said...

Love them! Can I hire you when we go? ;)

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Very creative.... and much less expensive than the one we bought my grandson in Disneyland.... only to lose it about half way through.

Warm blessings,

Carmen said...

What size notebook is that. I am having the hardest time finding one. We are going to Disney in September. Love the idea.

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