Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Vacation Aftermath

We're back! Well, actually we've been back for a few days, but it has taken me that long to recover:) Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like they need another vacation when they get home from their real vacation! We went non-stop {except for one afternoon nap} for 8 days at Walt Disney World, and let me just tell you it is exhausting! We saw almost everything {we skipped a few things at Animal Kingdom}, and we rode every ride at all 4 parks at least once...we rode some 5 times:)
Since we've been home...
*I've been trying to catch up on my sleep*
*I've unpacked 2/3 of our suitcases*
*I 've been busy washing, folding, and putting away loads and loads of laundry*
*I've watched way too many hours of reality tv on the dvr...thank you HGTV*
*I've gone shopping to buy groceries for our empty shelves and fridge*
*I've been stressing out about a birthday party that needs to be planned in less than 5 days*

One thing I haven't done is edit the 347 pictures that I took while we were gone! So I'll just share two shots with you today and hopefully in the next few days I will find the time to edit them and share a few more:)

I want to say a great big THANK YOU to all my wonderful blog friends who did guest posts for me last week! If you missed any of their amazing guest posts, please go back and check them out and leave some comment love:)
Mon:  Felt Napkin Rings by Paula from Sweet Pea
Thurs: Baked Zucchini Bites by Amanda from Serenity Now


  1. Welcome back! By the looks of those 2 pictures, it seems to have been a huge success!

  2. aww! welcome home! I know the feeling...coming home is so much work! ;-) these two pictures are perfect! Glad you had a great time...can't wait to see more of your fun trip! {and all the guest posts were great! so glad they could share!}

  3. Yeah Kelli! I can't wait to hear more about your trip. I always need a few days after vacation to unwind :) Those are great pictures of your handsome boys. So glad to hear you all had a great time. Thanks for letting me guest host.

  4. Wow, you really are supermom! How you managed to coordinate all the guests posts and Disney craft posts ahead of time was amazing! How you managed to survive 8 days of Disney is even more incredible! So much work, planning, effort...I'm amazed! I'm sure you'll pull off a birthday party with flying colors!

  5. Oh YES, the recovery from the vacation is the worst! I love, love the cutie boys in their matching shirts! I'm already planning what my kiddos are wearing to Disneyland next year!

  6. Adorable pics! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  7. Welcome home!!! Can't wait to hear more about the vacay after you finish all that laundry. ;)

  8. Ah, vacation recovery, it can take awhile! Wouldn't it be nice to come home and have a maid or something to take over all the laundry, grocery shopping, and clean up?

    I cannot wait to see more pics!!! Love the ones you posted :)

  9. Welcome Home! I know exactly what you mean about feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation once you get home.

    Good luck on your party planning and laundry. You'll have your house back in order before you know it.

  10. Welcome back!!

    That first picture is so great. I love Eli's smile!!

  11. I know what you mean....we just got back from L.A. and Disneyland and I can't get caught up on my sleep!! Coming home from the West coast, we lost 2 hours the first night! And trying to cram everything in while we were there we went non stop!! Yes, I need a vacation now!!
    Can't wait to see more of your Disney pics!

  12. Welcome home!! I can't wait to see/hear all that y'all did! Thank you for having me "over" to your blog while you were away. :-)

    Oh...I love their shirts you made in that picture with Mickey!! And the boys in front of the castle...It's def my favorite place!

    And yes...you def need a vacation after vacation...especially if your vacation was WDW!! All that walking..miles and miles...and staying up late/getting up early. Whew. Take it easy over the next few days. :-)

  13. Welcome back Kelli! I think we all feel like we need a vacation just to get everything taken care of when we get back home. I was thrilled to guest post over here!

  14. Very cute. I love the shirts you made for them. The vintage mickey shirts are cute too.


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