...That Drives Me Crazy!
*Got out of bed 30 minutes early because all 3 boys got up early*
*Had a battle before school because of socks...and probably not why you would think*
*Dropped the boys off*
*Walked a couple laps with a friend, while Eli begged to go home*
*Burned my egg for breakfast*
*Quick trip to Target for a few weekend items*
*Browsed the Dollar Spot*
*Bought Eli popcorn and an icee...he is much a much better behaved shopper if he has food*
*Stole a few pieces of popcorn even though I'm still on my diet*
*Looked for sugar...Target was out of sugar*
*Browsed the little girl's section at Kohl's with my friend*
*LOST (like really lost) Eli when he ran off in Kohl's*
*Ran around like a crazy person trying to find my child who thought he was playing a game*
*Found him in the back of the store smiling and waving*
*Got a call that my grandma was in the hospital*
*Headed home to unload grocery and put Eli down for a nap*
*Showered...because I really needed it*
*Got ready to go the hospital and Jason left work early to pick up the kiddos*
*Got a call that everything was fine with my grandma and that she was probably going home soon*
*Looked for a video of the song that inspired this post, but couldn't find one*
*Listened to some music on the computer*
*Looked again and found a video to share with you:)*
This post was inspired by the song "This is the Stuff" by Francesca Battistelli and my SUPER fun Friday:)
This is the Stuff You Use!