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Friday, June 17, 2011

Our New Project

A few weeks ago Jason and I started talking about making a purchase. Actually I think I might have been the one that first brought it up, but Jason was excited by the idea immediately. We might have gotten a tiny bit obsessed on our quest for the perfect item: checking Craig's List & Ebay {everyday}, watching You Tube videos, and even shopping around a little. After a few weeks of research, we stumbled upon a really great deal....and we brought it home.
These three are SUPER excited about it!
Not only because it is really cool...
 ...but also because it means lots of time helping daddy!
 And did I mention how cool it is:)
Any guesses as to what our new project is?
I'll share a few more pictures one day next week, but right now I'm going to work on our patio redo that is taking forever to finish almost done!
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Two Left Feet

This is just a friendly warning that over the next few weeks, my blog may be
*more fluff than serious projects*
*more pictures of suntanned kids than pictures of Silhouette crafts*
*more days off than a consistant 5 day a week posting schedule*

Summer is in full swing here.
We've had beach trips, pool fun, slip n slides days, grilling, and chilling....but not a whole lot of crafting going on around my house. I am still working on our patio makeover, and we also just made our very first Craig's List purchase which is going to be a major project over the next few months {I'm planning to share some pics of that project tomorrow}. So basically, while I'm enjoying the summer with the kiddos, my blog will be on a bit of a crafting break:) I still plan to share about our summer with you, I'm just going to give my crafting mojo a chance to recharge!

So for now enjoy these pictures of a cute little boy who managed to make two left feet look cute!

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Litte About OCD and a Sewing Tip

Hi my name is Kelli and I have OCD:) Well it is actually self diagnosed, first born, rule follower, lover of straight lines OCD, but I'm sure a lot of you understand. And let me just say that the need for perfection and crafting don't always go very well together. I have learned that crafts {or at least my crafts} are far from perfect in most cases....and that is something that can be hard for my straight line loving self to accept.
Sewing has been a crafting Achilles heel for me, mostly because I'm not very good at it and that leads to small imperfections that drive me a little bonkers. I have issues with cutting and sewing straight lines...and lets not even talk about trying to sew in a circle:) As I was working on a project that required me to cut really long straight lines I had an idea...a genius idea that made my straight line loving OCD self very happy!
 I borrowed my hubby's chalk line popper thing that you use for making lines on wood. He assisted me in popping a few lines onto the back side of my fabric...
 ....and look what I ended up with! Perfectly straight lines! I couldn't have been happier wth how straight those lines turned out...or how easy they were to achieve! Now if I could just manage to sew these pieces together in a straight line I will be doing good:)
 And just because he is too cute, here is Eli showing off a little bit of what we have been working on in the back yard for the last few weeks. I'm hoping to finish up this weekend and maybe have a full post about our new patio to share with you next week.

Have a great day and paint something bright yellow this weekend:)
Weekend Bloggy Reading
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