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Friday, July 29, 2011

Just a Little Thank You

For the past few years, I have been the preschool director at our church's VBS. That basically means I am the organizer and that I have a ton of great volunteers {lots of moms, one dad, adults, and youth from our church} that work with me to make VBS a success. At the end of a  long week of working with cute {but sometimes unruly} preschoolers, I like to let my volunteers know how much I appreciate their help by giving them a little happy! I usually make some yummy cookies, but after my Fluffer Nutter cookie fail I wasn't up to baking any more this week. So when I saw these really cute little hand sanitizers in the school supply section of Target, I knew they would make a great Thank You for my volunteers!
 These little bottles are the perfect size to toss in your purse, backpack, or car but they were just a little too plain.
 I decided to add each of my volunteers' monogram to the front of the bottles just to dress them up a little. I started by pulling off the front sticker of each bottle, then I sprayed them down with this lovely stuff. I've never used Goo Gone before, but after it removed the sticky residue from 40 little bottles in less than half an hour....I am in love!
Then I used my Silhouette to cut out all the letters that I needed out of white contact paper. If you've never tried to use contact paper instead of vinyl in your craft cutter, I highly recommend it. A huge roll of contact paper cost around $6, and it cuts perfectly with most any craft cutter {I've used it with my old Cricut and my Silhouette}! After about an hour of peeling and sticking letters,  I ended up with an army of cute monogrammed hand sanitizers!
 And I even managed to make on for myself:)
Now all my volunteers will know how much I appreciate them, and they will have clean hands!
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cookie Fail!

A few months ago I made these really yummy Fluffer Nutter Cupcakes:
The combination of peanut butter, marshmallow, and chocolate was so yummy that I started playing around with the idea of using those same ingredients in a cookie. I decided on a peanut butter cookie with mini marshmallows mixed in the dough then drizzled with melted chocolate after they were baked.  I used my trusty Peanut Butter Cookie recipe and simply mixed in about a cup of marshmallows at the end.
The dough looked promising, but unfortunately the marshmallows did what marshmallows always do when they are heated up...they melted everywhere. Some of the cookies turned out okay, but the majority of them were weird shaped from the marshmallow melting out the sides of the cookie. Plus a lot of them ended up sticking to the pan too because marshmallows are sticky! They still tasted pretty good, but the marshmallow flavor wasn't as strong as I would have liked, and  I ended up not even trying the chocolate drizzle because I wasn't happy with the cookies.
So now it's back to the drawing board kitchen to figure out another way to make Fluffer Nutter Cookies work...maybe marshmallow creme instead of the mini marshmallows or maybe some kind of sandwich with two cookies?!?
Have you ever had a cookie {or any kind of recipe} fail in your kitchen?
Weekend Bloggy Reading
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Enjoying Summer Before it Ends

I've been MIA for a few days {not posting or visiting} mostly because we are doing exactly what the title of this post says...enjoying summer before it ends! Last week we played on the slip n slide, went swimming, and visited the splash pad any time it wasn't raining:) This week are busy having a blast at VBS! We have meet the teacher night in exactly one week and then next Wednesday the boys start school. Our summer is almost over, so we are going to enjoy it until it ends...we may even squeeze in our more trip to beach this weekend!

What kinds of fun things are you doing with your kiddos this summer?
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Friday, July 22, 2011

National Hot Dog Day....Maybe

At the beginning of each month in the summer my boys get a calendar of children's activities from our church. Our children's director always includes fun facts and even more fun holidays, along with the normal church activities that are going on.
Earlier this week I notice that July 21st was labelled as National Hot Dog Day....so we made plans to go to our favorite drive in to celebrate. After a little research, I found out that depending on which website you visit you could actually celebrate National Hot Dog Day on more than a few different days:) One website said July 19th, a few said July 21st, but the majority said that it was actually tomorrow Saturday July 23rd. I don't know which is right, but since we had already made plans, we ate and celebrated National Hot Dog Day yesterday {July 21st}...and maybe we'll have another hot dog tomorrow {Saturday, July23rd} just for the fun of it:)

So if you are looking for something fun to do this with your kiddos weekend, why not celebrate National Hot Dog Day...at least one website says that it's tomorrow:)
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