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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

St. Patty's Day Roundup

Today I'm over at Amanda's sharing a fun St. Patty's Day tutorial. Hop over, check it out, and leave a little bit of comment love:) Since we have less than two weeks until the fun day of green and rainbows and gold, I thought I would share a little round up of my past projects for St. Patty's Day. 

I am working on another cute rainbow treat for next week, and I'm hoping to get some cute green shirts made for the boys this year since St. Patrick's Day is on a Saturday this year:)
What kinds of fun things do you do to celebrate St. Patty's Day?
Leave a link to some of your posts or ideas and I may feature them next week! And don't forget to click over and say HI at Amanda's place today:) 

Linking up here..
Tatertots and Jello
Serenity Now
Someday Crafts
Skip to my Lou
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Friday, March 2, 2012

More Dr. Seuss Snacks

I'm running short on time today so you  are just getting a picture tutorial...no time for words:) If you have any questions send me an email! Hopefully I can update the post later today with a few more details!

Linking up here..
Tatertots and Jello
Serenity Now
Someday Crafts
Skip to my Lou
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Updated Sweet Dr. Seuss Snack: aka Candy Green Eggs

For the last few weeks, my post {Sweet Dr. Seuss Snack} has been SUPER popular. I'm guessing that everyone is getting ready to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday tomorrow and they are looking for ideas. Honestly that treat was one of the easier and cutest things that I've ever made for the boys to take to school. And as cute as they were, I have to admit that it kind of bugged me that the little green M&M wasn't really proportionate to the white of the egg....still cute, but not really perfect {I have confessed my slight OCD here before haven't I}. Anyway, this year I decided to give those cute Sweet Dr. Seuss Snacks a retry before I sent them {all 50 of them!} off to school with the boys. Here's what I came up with....basically the same technique with just a little something extra:)
Start with white candy melts, green candy melts, and regular sized marshmallows.
Use your {very clean} kitchen scissors to cut each marshmallow in half. Actually you could probably get away with cutting them into thirds and it still looking great, but I did halves here.
Dip each marshmallow piece into your melted green candy melts then tap off any excess.
Place them on foil to harden.
While you wait, heat up your white candy melts and pour it into a squeeze bottle. You can draw your egg shapes free hand or print out a shape to trace. I printed the same one I used last year....click over here for a step by step if you need it.
Draw out your egg shapes, then place one of the green marshmallows on top before the white starts to harden.
I think they turned out really cute and I am much happier with the proportion of the green to the white this year:) I also got the best seal of approval ever from this little guy who got to sample the first one...and quickly devoured the whole thing in 2.4 seconds!
Check back tomorrow for two more fun treat to celebrate Dr. Seuss!
Linking up here..
Tatertots and Jello
Serenity Now
Someday Crafts
Skip to my Lou
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February Recap Via Instagram

We started out rainy.
 Packages are always fun...especially from Shutterfly:)
 Groundhog Day Donuts
 Adding some color to the Airstream.
 Shopping for Airstream stuff...these are the countertops for the kitchen.
 Spaghetti night is always interesting.
 I made southwestern egg rolls for dinner...and the boys LOVED them!
 Three boys in three desks.
 Popcorn and a movie on a rainy afternoon.
 Somebody got a little excited about a Little Debbie snack cake:)
 We made Shrinky Dinks:)
 And they were really shrinky!
 Doing some research for our trip.
 Much needed girls day and pedicure. Don't you love those foam flip flops:)
 Dinner with friends...and almost getting in trouble for playing on the escalator!
 Fudge made by my Granddaddy! The BEST fudge EVER!
 More work on the Airstream. Some flooring down and bathroom complete!
 Live music at the local Mexican restaurant.
 Saturday morning soccer games.
 We love Target...and the big red balls:)
Early mornings doing P90X are slowly turning me into a coffee drinker!

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's in Your Lunchbox?

*graham crackers*
*granny smith apple*
*sugar free chocolate pudding*
*capri sun*
*whole wheat goldfish*
*ham roll-up*

This is what the boys' lunchboxes look like most days.
{except the marshmallows were a treat today}
Sometimes the grapes are switched out for carrots, the apple is switched out for a banana, the pudding is switched out for applesauce or yogurt, and the goldfish are switched out for Sun Chips....and sometimes they get leftover pizza instead of a roll-up or PB&J sandwich!

What does your "lunchbox" usually look like?

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