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Friday, May 29, 2009

SUPER Cute Beach Towel Giveaway

It's time for another GIVEAWAY!
I had such a great time doing my first giveaway that I didn't want to wait too long to do another....so here it is!
{Plus I wanted the winner to get their towel before the summer was half over! }

This giveaway is for a SUPER Cute Beach Towel that will be personalized just for the winner!

It will look similar to this one:

But the winner will be able to pick either a pink stripe or a green stripe towel, and I have a more boyish fabric if you happen to want it for your little guy and/or hubby!

So here is how to enter:

For your first entry leave a comment telling me what name or initial you would want on the towel if you win!

For one extra entry, follow me and leave a comment telling me that you do.

For another entry, put my button on your blog and leave a comment telling me you did.

For two extra entries, blog about my giveaway linking back to this post, then leave two comments telling me you blogged.

That is FIVE chances to win a SUPER Cute Beach Towel!

The giveaway will end Monday, June 8th at 10 PM Central Time and I will post the winner on Tuesday, June 9th. Make sure your email is visible so I can let you know if you are the winner!

Pin It!


Kelli said...

I think you should pick me since we spell our names the same...do I get extra points for that? I would choose K for my initial.

Kelli said...

I already follow.

Kelli said...

I already have your button.

Kim said...

I want that for me!!! M for mommy! Don't want any of my kids getting confused as to who it belongs too!

Carrie said...

Oh, I loved that, I'm so glad we get another chance! I would probably just have a big M on a green one, since that's my favorite color...and we could all share it...{M for Martin, of course!}

Carrie said...

I am already a follower...lead me to the beach, please!

Carrie said...

And, I have your super-cute button on my blog already! {And i still need to get my award posted...I haven't forgotten!}

Aileigh said...

I missed getting in your last one! I would really like to have this with my initial and name on it! Aimee! :)

Aileigh said...

I already follow you! :)

Foursons said...

The initial I would want is "J" with "ulie" following it. (I'm so clever).

Anonymous said...

I would want the initial D
on the towel


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I have your button


Foursons said...

I blogged about your give-a-way!

Foursons said...

And I linked back to your blog in my post!

Emily said...

Ok, so sometimes I feel like I'm a little partial to Melody, but she is my only girl after all! If I win (and I hope I do) I choose the initial M.

Emily said...

And I follow you

He & Me + 3 said...

I would totally want one of those with the Letter C on it. For My Godson

heidi said...

How FUN! I have no idea what letter....Hmm..maybe a C for Cara since her birthday is coming up.

heidi said...


heidi said...

Button Holder. ;-)

Dee said...

That is SOO cute! I don't have much with MY name on-so I'd want a D! :)

Kerri said...

Yay!! I would love a super cute towel with Kerri on it!

Kerri said...

I am also a follower!

Kerri said...

and I have your button! : )

Kerri said...

I just blogged....

Kerri said...

about your super towel giveaway!! : )

Theresa said...

Pink and Ganky on my towel") Glad to get another chance.


Theresa said...

I already follow your blog!

{Kimber} said...

I so love this pink towel-WITH A K for {Kimber}

Theresa said...

I already have your button!

{Kimber} said...

and......I added your button to my blog :)


{Kimber} said...

and........I am now following you!

{Kimber} said...

and now....I blogged about your "Super" cool blog

{Kimber} said...

and YES I did link it to your post :)

Anonymous said...

H for Hailee!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

oh! An s! How exciting to think I could use a towel with out Thomas, Nemo or another character on it!

Heidi Boos said...

OK, I'm not missing out on this one!!

I'm torn...I want to say M for Mikayla, but then what about A for Austin? Maybe you could just make me two? ;)

Heidi Boos said...

I'm a follower of your SUPER blog!

Heidi Boos said...

You are now "hanging out" on my blog side bar. I seriously thought you were already there! Oops! ;)

Tara said...

I've love the green towel, for myself...T for Tara. :-)

Tara said...

I'm following you.

Andria said...

Kelli, where do you find the time?? So, if I were lucky enough to have a towel like this, it would have to have a "D" on it, because well, with 3 kids with names beginning with "D", it can be multi-kid friendly! ;) No more fighting whose towel it is!

Andria said...

I've grabbed your button! Love it!

Andria said...

... And, of course, I've always followed you!

Andria said...

... And, guess what? Go see the blog post I made about you!....

Tara said...

I posted your button on my blog. http://thespazsays.blogspot.com/2009/05/check-on-that-blog.html

I love that towel.

Andria said...

... it has links in it and everything! Love ya!

Tara said...

I have now added a post on my blog specifically about this give a way, so I can get my 4th (and 5th!) chances!

Tara said...

I have now added a post on my blog specifically about this give a way, so I can get my 4th (and 5th!) chances!

Hopefully I win. I never win.

Tina said...

How cute....

I am a follower and if I was to win I would like a "W"

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

I just love your beach towels and would love to win one!
I am a follower. :)

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Your button is on my blog. :)

A Joyful Chaos said...

Oooh I would love to be the happy owner of that towel! I would want the initial M on it. I am already a private follower of your blog. I will make it public if that is required for the extra entry.

throuthehaze said...


Foursons said...

OK, so I thought you had to be a new follower- but others are saying they already follow, so I will too!

Foursons said...

Same goes with the button. I already have it and since others are doing the same, I can't be left out!

silverhartgirl said...

My daughter Chloe would love this for camp.

Tina said...

I would get an H for Hannah. In pink, of course!

Tina said...

I am following your blog!

Tina said...

Got your button!

More Than Words said...

Awesome! I would want the letter V for my daughter!

More Than Words said...

I follow you, girl!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

Thanks for stopping by yesterday for my post!
You are so sweet to always leave me comments!
Can I get a towel for the 5 MOMS?

Anonymous said...

I would choose a K!

klnlovesmickey AT yahoo DOT com

Dolphin Girl said...

Both my and my daughters names start with K. So K it is!

K. C.
kccuties AT gmail DOT com

amanda said...

ohhh i want a pink one. hmmmmm...i'm not sure what initial though. maybe and a. but maybe a p. who knows. just pick me and then we'll discuss it!

amanda said...

happy follower. :0) or is it 'super' follower. :0)

Kristie said...

My daughters names start with B, S, P. I'll have to go with my oldest, cuz the babies won't realize how special the towel is.

B for Bianca


Tracy said...

I alreay follow you, of course!!

Tracy said...

And I already have your button.

Tracy said...

And if I win that cute towel, please put a T on it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

If I win the cute towel, Please M on it for Martha {My Mom}.

Anonymous said...

You know that I follow you!

Anonymous said...

And I also have your button!

Anonymous said...

I posted some pics of the the prize package I won from you on my blog. And I told everyone to check out your new givaway!

Anonymous said...

I post about your giveaway on my blog.

A Joyful Chaos said...

I am now following public.

Laura said...

I'd get my name!! ;) Laura. Cute blog you have! Came over through Alicia from More than Words!

Shasta said...

Since I couldn't choose between my boys as to which would get this, I'm going to choose my name, Shasta!

Great giveaway!

Shasta said...

As you know, I'm a follower=)

Shasta said...

and I have your cute button on my blog!

Lynnette said...

I'm going to try and be unselfish. I'll say F for the big letter for our last name. And green so anyone could use it. But I love the pink, and the girls do outnumber the boys...
I'll stick with one comment and one entry. I just found you after you commented on my Not Me! Monday. Happy anniversary! Our 10th is this week, and I did (not) forget to blog that. Oops!

Brooke said...

Oh my this is super super cute! I have little ones who would LOVE this! I think I'd use "M"!!

Thank you for all your sweetness!


Brooke said...

I follow you too! YAY!!

Brooke said...

I have your button!

Thanks! ;-)

Carrie said...

I blogged about your giveaway today! Yahoo!

Carrie said...

I can feel that soft green, striped towel with the big M on it, around me now! LOL!

Kristen said...

It would have to be a "J" or my daughter would not be very happy with me!

Kristen said...

I follow you!

Kristen said...

Got your button! And I am adding your giveaway to my linky.

Mandy T said...

I need a big M on my towel!!

Mandy T said...

I follow

Mandy T said...

I have your button!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Is it sooooo wrong that I would get my own initial (C) on the towel?
Sew cute! (Pun intended!)

Audrey... said...

I think I would just get an "A", for my initial?


Audrey... said...

I follow!


Audrey... said...

I grabbed your button!


Donnetta said...

I would like Sydney on the towel. They are so cute!


Donnetta said...

I follow.


Tina said...

I blogged about the contest on my blog

Tina said...

I linked back to you in my post on my blog

Tracy said...

I finally got a chance to blog about your giveaway...

Tracy said...

...and I linked back to your blog.

Cindy Lou said...

OH what a cute towel! I would love to win I love anything to do with summer!! I am a follower and I have your button on my blog already!! OH I hope that you pick me!!!!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

Oh, wow, if I win can I get a super big E on it? I'd love, love, love it!!! I'd blog all about it and give you props and all. Oh wait, I'm betting that bribery doesn't work!

~Erica (one of the five moms)

E @ Scottsville said...

I'm thinking I should get an R for my daughter!!!

She would SOOO love this!

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