A new coffee shop opened in our community about a month ago.
Everyone I talk to raves about it and how much they LOVE the place.
I have been twice, and basically I'm unimpressed! The employees/owners didn't seem all that nice and the drink that I ordered was just so-so.
So I have a question for you...
What do you do when everyone is in LOVE with something, someplace, or someone and you just DON'T see it?!?
Do you assumed that maybe it was just an off day and give it another shot?
Do you assumed that maybe it was just an off day and give it another shot?
Or do you trust your initial judgement and not waste any more of your time?
I know I am just talking about a small little coffee shop...but this could apply to a new fashion trend, a new acquaintance, or even a new blog that you found!
I haven't made up my mind about the little coffee shop just yet, but I'm hoping that maybe some of you can share some pearls of wisdom with me on what to do:)
I usually give it a couple shots and then just walk away. We aren't all meant to like the same things, do the same things...well you get the picture. {I have tried watching "Something About Mary" several times now and I just don't get it....no matter how many people tell me how great it is!!} Its what makes life interesting I guess....
That's just my 2 cents on it anyway :)
I'm go with my instinct and just think the other people are crazy!
I'm willing to give most things another go, hoping it was an off day or whatever. Guess I'm basically an optimist. But if I'm still not impressed the second time around, I'm pretty much over it. Let the others enjoy it if they may, but I'll find a better way to spend my time/money/etc.
I hear ya. I still to this day don't understand what the big hype is about Twilight. Sorry for all you Twilight lovers. Just never got on that band wagon. I saw the movie and was like..."when is this going to be the best movie I have ever seen?" LOL
I say got with your gut especially if they are more expensive than what you like. We have a new chain here that I am not fond of either.
I would stick with your first thought, it is usually always right. Give it another try in a month or so and see if it is better.
Bummer though...a coffee shop would be fun in our area. I have to say I'd be sad if it were a flop!
I almost always give "it" a second chance. But usually, my first impression is right on. I'm not a coffee drinker, myself, but there are many things {movies, restaurants, stores} that others LOVE, that I just don't get. :)
I'd say give it another chance {they DO have pink cups!!}
but after a couple of times I'd just say move on :)
Walk away! Maybe all those other peeps are just going with the flow & they don't really like it all that much either. I'd tell one of them that you aren't that impressed & I wonder if they will backtrack on thier words??? Go where you know, what you like... way easier to not be bummed that you just spent $$$ on a dud up of joe! :)
Well, in the case of the coffee shop I'd be mad about my money being wasted. If it were just my time I'd probably give it another chance.
Yikes...looks like you are getting some advice. So my 2 cents...I am usually one that would give it one more try, but that is just me. I don't make my mind quickly. Especially when something is raved about. However a lot of times my personally also doesn't want to go with the crowd I want to be different. This is probably no help at all. UGH! Good luck my dear.
That's tough...usually I would probably know whether it was for me or not right away...but sometimes giving it another try is a good idea! Did you go alone or with some friends? Maybe try again in a different crowd...or try a different drink. I remember when the iced coffees at McDonald's first came out, the first one I had tasted TERRIBLE! But now I have one almost every day! I think they just didn't know how to make them yet the first time! But if it's not your cup of 'coffee'...then no big deal :) Guess the coffe shop will be there awhile, so you can take your time about whether you like it or not ;)
I say give it a second chance...but if they don't live up to your expectations then, buh-bye!
Wow, sounds like you are in a tight spot. If a lot of your friends like the coffee shop and you do not, that is alright. You are intitled to your own opinion. If you are afraid that your opinion might hurt someone's feelings then don't share it with that person. You have a free will and if you don't want to visit that shop again that is your choice. Good luck!
If it was a coffee shop, I may go there twice if there was no other alternative. I usually will give something a second chance unless the first time is totally horrible.
I'm one of those if you turn me off the first time I'm very unlikely to try it again. Probably a bad quality but it's rare that I get to go out and treat myself so if I do it I want it to be worth it.
I would give it a second go and if customer service is horrible never go back. I'm all about the best of customer service and you have to have that.
I say you have went twice and if you aren't impressed, don't waste your money. Customer service is very important and I say it can make or break a business!
i'd say maybe one more try. but customer service is KEY to me. i will purposely avoid certain cashiers at stores if i know they're not nice, don't talk to YOU, but everyone else behind or in front of you, etc. in our small town i have to go to the store because it's the only one. but in the bigger 'city' i will pick and choose between things based on those details.
We're all a bit different - that's the fun! Maybe it just doesn't stack up to your favorite - but that just means you have a rockin' favorite :)
(Sorry... I'm getting distracted by your background... I totally love it!)
But what not to do? Do not snidely say, "well, that's just because you're a REDNECK" and cause mass awkwardness at a lunch party. Cuz that just means I'll have to out you on my blog again.
Oh wait... sorry... guess that only happened to me :)
I would complain to the manager and see if you can get a free coffee. ;0)
I try to have a 3 strikes your out approach with stores/food/service type places. If by the third time, I don't like it...I won't be back.
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