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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Pirate Cowboys

Pirate Cowboys1
Pirate Cowboys 2
Pirate Cowboys 3
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Kelli said...

They are too cute!

Carrie said...

Too funny! I love those boots! I still regret not getting Emily some pink boots like that when Target was selling them :( I posted about boots today too! haha! They are adorable! And...do you have another painting project in the works? :)

Foursons said...

Love the boots? Where did you get them? Nolan needs a new pair and I hate spending TX prices on boots.

Foursons said...

Um, that should read "Love the boots!" not "Love the boots?" Sorry.

amanda said...

they're adorable!! and i'm impressed you got them to pose so well!! :0)

Kmama said...

Aww, so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Multi- tasking!

Darcie said...

What a combo...a force to be reckoned....Pirate Cowboys!! Love the imagination.

jubilee said...

My whirling dervish would be so jealous of those boots! Cool.

I am Harriet said...

LOVE the boots!

Have a great day!

McCrakensx4 said...

Love the cowboy boots with shorts! Too cute! And how funny that they are sitting on cans of paint!!

He & Me + 3 said...

The best kind of cowboys! Too cute. Love the shorts and boots.

{Kimber} said...

cute cowboys!!!! {or pirate cowboys :)}

{Kimber} said...

cute cowboys!!!!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Your boys are so adorable! Love the Pirate-Cowboy look. So in fashion right now ;)

4 Lettre Words said...

Love it! And, they are so handsome.

Living It, Loving It said...


Elena said...

Your boys are very cute. I love the cowboy boots!

mommy2luke2008 said...

Love the boots!! Great shots!!

TheAtticGirl said...

Those boots are great! Cute photos.


Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Howdy pardners :) Looks like they love their vests and boots, I'd be surprised if they aren't begin for hats n cap guns. I remember be fascinated by caps as a kid. I'd even use a rock to taps them with so i could watch them explode.

carissa said...

such adorable pirate cowboys at that!

Jennifer W. said...

So cute!!

Cascia Talbert said...
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Cascia Talbert said...

You have very handsome boys!

Unknown said...

ye hah... now where's those horses?? Is it beans for dinner too??


Bits-n-Pieces said...

so cute!!! and so reminds me of a pic i have of my now 16 yr old son in his cowboy hat, boots and shorts when he was about 2! lol Ahh..the memories. So glad I took the time to snap it!

jayayceeblog said...

They are so cute ... looks like trouble!

Lei said...

they are adorable! hey, thanks for commenting on my tute over at tatertots today. :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Okay, that is so adorable!! I love little boys in cowboy gear. :) Thanks for visiting my blog while I was away. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! They are too cute :)

More Than Words said...

They look so cute in the boots!! Every little boy needs a pair!

le Chef said...

Aren't little boys fun?! .. and so much easier to catch! ;D

Miller Racing Family said...

Now those are some super cute cowboys! I love those boots.
Thanks for linking up this week. I hope you have a fabulous Wednesday!

BK said...

LOL! Pirate is a tough job. Tell them they may have to fight off Peter Pan. :)

Angie said...

They are such cuties!!

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

Kelli, they are too cute!! I love the boots, it makes the outfit!!

Kate said...

LOVE! Reminds me of my boys...boys are the best!

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