Drop pants on the floor so that you can hang up the shirts.
Dig around for a few empty hangers.
Hang up shirts, then remember you really should get something started for dinner.
Go to the kitchen, open the cabinet and decide to make chili for dinner.
Head to the can opener and open a ton of cans and dump them in a pot.
Put the pot on the stove, then remember that Henry's lunch for tomorrow hasn't been made yet.
Get out all the lunch making supplies {bread, peanut butter, chips, carrots, pudding, and a capri sun}.
Ask your
Finish making Henry's lunch and stick it back in the fridge.
Check your email, then remember that there is another load of laundry in the dryer.
Grab the laundry basket and head to your room to fold some clothes.
Come back to the kitchen to stir the chili and notice the pile of dirty dishes that need to be loaded into the dishwasher.
Load dishes, then remember that you didn't finish folding that last load of laundry.
Stick your head in the living room to make sure that Eli is holding his own against his big brothers.
Again, ask
Go back to finish folding the laundry and then put the clothes away in the closet.
Look down and realize that you left Jason's dress pants on the floor more than 30 minutes ago!
Sometimes I feel like I am just running in circles and getting very little done! Please tell me I'm not the only one who has days like that?!?