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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time to Explor(eum)

This past Saturday, it was just too cold to do anything outside. So Jason and I decided to load up the boys and take a trip to a local children's museum/science center.

We met my mom and sister for lunch, and then we all headed to the Exploreum. The boys had a great time checking out all the exhibits, playing in the ball pit area, and watching an IMAX movie about dinosaurs.

Henry and Grant even played a game of Tug of War with Jason and Eli. Can you guess who won?!? You might be surprised!

After a day of fun at the Exploreum, we headed down the beautiful streets of downtown Mobile... ...back to our car...
....and then home to a big bowl of veggie soup for dinner!

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It has NOT been freezing in South Mississippi this week! We have NOT been snuggled under blankets and drinking hot chocolate* to keep warm.

Despite the freezing temperatures we have been having, I did NOT wear flip flops one day this week. I did NOT drop Henry off at school and then walk Grant into preschool with my flip flops on....even though it was freezing outside. I would NEVER wear flip flops in 20 degree weather just because I was too lazy to go back to my closet and find socks.

I also did NOT make my kiddos wear a pair of pj's under their clothes on Saturday so that they would stay extra warm. Pj's do NOT make pretty good long johns for kiddos.

*Speaking of hot chocolate....I used random.org to pick a winner from my giveway on Friday. Congrats to Kelli from Outside My Kitchen Window! I will be sending you a SUPER cute hot chocolate themed prize. I am planning a few more giveaways this week...so stay tuned for your chance to win something!

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