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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Cake Fail of Historic Proportions

When I saw this post at 17 and Baking a few weeks ago, I knew that I really wanted to attempt this SUPER cute flag cake for the 4th of July.
Here is what the cake is supposed to look like:

And here is what my cake looked like:
When the first two layers broke into a million pieces as I tried to turn them out of the pan, I kind of figured my flag cake wasn't going to happen this year. I finished baking the last layer, and tried my best to cut the cake the way the original recipe said. I even put the layers in the freezer to make them easier to cut.
Nothing was helping this sad, crumbly, red, white, and blue mess! In my frustration, I just dumped the cake into the lid of my cake keeper and moved on to making cupcakes with the remaining batter. Unfortunately, the cupcakes came out just as crumbly!
Needless to say, I showed up to my family's 4th of July cook out with a store bought Angel Food cake, some strawberries, and Cool Whip:)

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
The boys and I did NOT tag along with Jason on a business trip to Atlanta, GA this week. For some reason, I did NOT think that a week in a hotel with my three {very rambunctious} boys would be more relaxing than a week at home without daddy. I might have been a little wrong!
We did NOT a pretty good time despite all the rambunctiousness.

We did NOT go swimming,

go the movies for free,

go to an Atlanta Braves game,and eat lots of yummy food from

{picture from our last visit to Atlanta in 2008} and here!

We also did NOT stop over in Birmingham for a little trip to the zoo while Jason was at a meeting. I did NOT tweet that when we got to the zoo, we increased their wild animal population by three!
I think I was right on that one:)

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