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Monday, August 2, 2010


...to get out of vacation mode and into school mode!
We were here: all last week.
{I'll post more vacation pictures later}
Now I am going to be doing this:
all this week.
Plus washing, folding, and putting away all of the boys' new school uniforms. We are trying to get ready for Thursday morning {aka the first day of school}! I will have a first grader and a kindergartner this year!

This summer has flown by...and it will officially be over in three days!

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Pudding Pop Party!

Do you remember these?!?Rainbow Pudding Pops
I have seen these popping up all over blogland since I posted about them in June. I even had a few people email and leave comments to let me know they had made Rainbow Pudding Pops and LOVED them! So I decided to feature a few of my favorite versions that I have seen.
Reader Spotlight: Rainbow Pudding Pops!
Lesley at It's a Boys' World made some cute Rainbow Pudding Pops in her attempt to be SUPERMOM! I think she did a great job! Five Little Monkeys made Rainbow Pudding Pops along with a ton of other rainbow themed ideas!
My Rainbow Pudding Pops made it all the way to the other side of the world...India to be exact! Check out Delhi Bound for another fun version!
Sara @ It's Good to be Queen made some NEON pudding pops with her adorable boys.
Jenn @ Glorriedays and her kiddos had a SUPER messy time with their Rainbow Pudding Pops!

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