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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Easy Halloween Decor

After making my SUPER easy Halloween frame, I decided I really needed to add a few more fall decorations to my house. I started with my SUPER easy sign that I change out depending on what holiday or season it is. It has been THIS for Valentine's Day and THIS for Easter...plus a few others too!
Now, my sign is all dressed up for Halloween!
I cut out the letters BOO with my Cricut and used spray adhesive to attach them to some black paper. I added a cute fuzzy spider that I got at The Dollar Tree...and now I am ready to pull out all my fall decorations and get busy decorating my house!
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Monday, September 27, 2010


Art is man's
Nature is
Philip James Bailey

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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Final FREE 4 All Friday!

This giveaway is closed.
Congrats to Nichol @ Kiddie Corner Deals!!

It's the fourth Friday of the month.
That means it's my turn to host FREE 4 All Fridays!
Because everybody likes free stuff, right!?!
What could be easier than making this Quick & Easy Halloween Frame yourself....winning one!!

To enter:
Leave a comment telling me what kind of Halloween decorations you put at your house.

For another entry, follow my blog and leave me a comment telling me that you do.

For another entry, follow me on twitter, and leave a comment telling me that you do.

For another entry, tweet about this giveaway and include @SUPERMOM_Kelli in the tweet.

For FIVE extra entries, subscribe to my blog via feedburner...click on the icon in the right sidebar by the facebook and twitter icons.

For one more entry, stop by
This week, for our very last FREE 4 All Friday, I am giving away the SUPER cute Halloween Picture Frame that I showed you how to make yesterday. I am also going to include a cute fall magnetic list, and a book full of fun fall baking ideas!Mimi's place and tell her "HI" too!

Make sure to leave a comment for each thing that you do. I will use random.org to pick a winner on Sunday! Good Luck and thanks for entering!
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