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Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Flashback: Craft Edition

**I haven't been very crafty latley, so I'm sharing a little flashback craft. This fun Mod Podge project was originally posted back in November of 2009.**
Fall Mod Podge Pumpkins
This is how our project ended:
Despite the major mess and the {now} dry and scratchy carpet, our Thanksgiving/fall pumpkins turned out SUPER cute!

Just in case you want to make a HUGE mess and some SUPER cute pumpkins...here is the list of supplies and steps we followed to make them.
Plastic pumpkins {mine were $1 at Walmart}
Scrapbook Paper {8 sheets for $1 at Target}
Mod Podge
Paint Brushes
Tear scrapbook paper into small pieces
Attach the paper to the pumpkin and continue to coat it with Mod Podge until all the paper is wet and stuck to the pumpkin really well. This is the messy part, because the only way to make the paper stick really well is to work it with your hands! Eli and I worked on some painting while Henry and Grant were finishing up their pumpkins. These SUPER cute and oh so chubby handprints are going to be turkeys and leaves once I get my paintpens after them! Just a little hint....be careful when painting with brown paint, because your kiddo might think it is chocolate and try to lick it off his hand! :)

Then use a foam paintbrush to apply a coat of Mod Podge all over the pumpkins and let them dry. 

Our pumpkins {coated with Mod Podge} drying on the table...picture taken by Henry {because I still had a two inch layer of MP on my hands}!

Our finished Thanksgiving/Fall Pumpkins!
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

By the Numbers

The number of loads of laundry I attempted to do yesterday.

5 1/2
The number of loads of laundry I actually finished. I say 1/2 because the trusty load of whites is still sitting in the dryer getting more and more wrinkly every minute they sit there waiting for a fluff and fold.

The number of people who knew what the medicines were in the picture I posted yesterday.

The number of awesome blog friends who were concerned and emailed or commented on my Real Life post. Apparently I forget that even though I share a lot on my blog, I don't always share the more mundane details of my life...like the fact that I have a chronic illness and have to take way too much medication for someone my age.

The number of shots that I have to give myself each week. Both shots are for rheumatoid arthristis which I was diagnosed with over two years ago. Here's the post that I shared back when I was first diagnosed with RA. Some things have changed since that original post...like my doctor, my real diagnosis {I technically have something called Still's Disease which is a form of RA}, my meds, and how I feel{almost normal most days}.

The number of times Eli peed in his pants yesterday. He did not have a very good day and for some reason didn't make it to the potty in time more than once. That makes doing laundry not very fun...maybe I should attempt something similiar to what Leslie is doing with her little boy:)

The number of times I made Grant write his spelling words yesterday. I still don't know how he is going to do on his test because he CAN NOT stop mixing up his b's and d's! One of his words is dad and I'm pretty sure his test is going to come home on Monday with the word bab on it!

The number of days I'm going to be spending over at my mom's house helping her with a party...it's kind of like a jewelry party on steriods:) Check out this website to see the stuff we will be selling.

The number of crafts I have worked on this week that I want to share with you. I have a ton of things on my list that I really want to work on...but I just can't find the time or the motivation! I'm hoping I at least have some fun door decor to share next week because it is time for my summer stuff to come down.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's a Tradition

Every year when the third weekend of September rolls around, my boys know we have big plans. And they look forward to those plans for weeks leading up to it. They will ask a million times when we are leaving...how many days left...when do we get to go to Clarkco.
Every third weekend in September, we load up the kids and head north to a little state park for a family reunion. The boys love playing with all their cousins and they love exploring. Here are few pictures from their adventures this year:

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Monday, September 19, 2011

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