For the first time in probably two months, I almost feel back to normal...and compared to how I had been feeling the last few weeks....I am doing SUPER this morning!! I got out of bed feeling like I was 28 and not 98!! I have never been so happy for the phone to wake me up {thanks Mandy}!!
After being given my first diagnosis, I decided I wasn't quite happy with everything. I decided to see a few more doctors and make sure we had it right before I took the medicine that had been prescribed.
I went back to my internist last week, and he sat down with me for about an hour explain all the tests that had been down. He also gave me two referrals: one to a dermatologist and the other to another rheumatologist for a second opinion.
I had both of those appointments yesterday.
The dermatologist did a biopsy of the rash I have had on and off since November. It was a painless procedure, but I do have three stitches {my first stitches other than c-sections} that I have to go back and get removed next week. It will be few days before we get those results back.
The rhematologist I saw yesterday was SUPER. He basically knew exactly what I had a soon as he looked at my rash and I told him about the joint and muscle pain, high fevers {104 at one point this weekend!}, and sore throats that I have had over the last few weeks.
I now have the official diagnosis of Adult Onset Still's Disease. It is a form of rheumatoid arthritis, but ALL of my symptoms go along with this specific disease. The treatment plan is basically the same, just a little higher dosage of medicine and a little more closely monitoring to make sure all the symptoms are under control. The doctor gave me an initial dose of the methotrexate in shot form yesterday and drained a TON of fluid off of my knee.
I am still a little freaked out about have a lifelong illness and having to take such a strong medication for an indefinite amount of time...
...But I am finally starting to feel better, and that is what matters!
I am so glad to hear that you are starting to feel better!! You and your family will continue to be in my prayers.
So glad you are feeling better! We will keep praying for no pain, and for medical control over this disease!
I am overjoyed that you are feeling back to yourself and have gotten some answers. That's great that the doctors are explaining things well to you and that you like them.
I am so glad that you are starting to feel better...there is nothing worse than feeling bad, especially when you are expected to care for so many. I was there about 3 years ago. I am doing better now.
Great news, Kelli! I'm so glad you're feeling better. :)
That's a big woohoo! I mean, not for the disease, but some more specific answers. Hang in there and I am soooo glad you are feeling better! You need the energy for those three little boys! :)
So glad to hear that you are feeling better and finally have an official diagnosis!!
Kelli..that's great to hear. I mean, not about the disease, but that you're feeling better! At least now you have answers and can be treated for it!!!
Glad you went for the second opinion...sounds like that brought you a little more peace. So happy to hear you are feeling better. I hope the meds continue to work well!
You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. So glad to hear that you are feeling a little better!
Aww Kelli, MAN I miss so much not being "regular" in the blogworld. I'm so sorry you are going through this. You are in my thoughts often, and in my prayers..right now!
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