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Monday, April 13, 2009

I Heart Faces Week 14 Easter/Spring

Eli checking out his basket of goodies on his 1st Easter!

Go check out the I Heart Faces blog to see all the cute faces in this week's contests!

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More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh, Kelli!! I love his little face!!!!!!!! So cute!!!

Shasta said...

Too cute! I just love his expression!

Anonymous said...

I am loving the expression on his face! Too cute!!

Heidi Boos said...

Look at that sweet face! So adorable!

I may just have to find a picture to add to this week's "i heart faces".

Mandy T said...

I love it!! to cute

Emily said...

man...isn't that a cute face!!!! Awesome picture.

Tracy said...

That is the cutest face!

Jennifer W. said...

OMGosh! What a hilarious face! He was excited!! Sweet.

Anonymous said...

Look at those blue eyes! To cute! TFS

He & Me + 3 said...

Love that face he is making. great capture.

Kelli said...

He is so adorable. Great picture. I tagged you over on my blog.

Rebecca said...

I love the expression on his face!

amanda said...

can he get any cuter!?! love the pictures below as well!!

AJ said...

Very cute! I love that little face :).

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