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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just a Little Messier Than I Was Anticipating...But Still SUPER Cute!

This is how our project ended:
Despite the major mess and the {now} dry and scratchy carpet, our Thanksgiving/fall pumpkins turned out SUPER cute!

Just in case you want to make a HUGE mess and some SUPER cute pumpkins...here is the list of supplies and steps we followed to make them.
Plastic pumpkins {mine were $1 at Walmart}
Scrapbook Paper {8 sheets for $1 at Target}
Mod Podge
Paint Brushes
Tear scrapbook paper into small pieces
Attach the paper to the pumpkin and continue to coat it with Mod Podge until all the paper is wet and stuck to the pumpkin really well. This is the messy part, because the only way to make the paper stick really well is to work it with your hands! Eli and I worked on some painting while Henry and Grant were finishing up their pumpkins. These SUPER cute and oh so chubby handprints are going to be turkeys and leaves once I get my paintpens after them! Just a little hint....be careful when painting with brown paint, because your kiddo might think it is chocolate and try to lick it off his hand! :)

Then use a foam paintbrush to apply a coat of Mod Podge all over the pumpkins and let them dry. 

Our pumpkins {coated with Mod Podge} drying on the table...picture taken by Henry {because I still had a two inch layer of MP on my hands}!

Our finished Thanksgiving/Fall Pumpkins!
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Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

ADORABLE! Love those pumpkins and can't wait to see the Turkeys :)

{Kimber} said...

they turned out so cute!
your craftiness amazes me! :)
how's the weather there? you and Jenn makin' it okay?

Anonymous said...

The pumpkins turned out really cute! & Thank You again for the cookies, the first bag lasted a day and the 2nd bag i am holding hostage for me, And i am really enjoying them. lol!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! They turned out great.

More Than Words said...

Kelli...those are so cute!!! And I just love your baby!!

Jennifer W. said...

Those are so cute!! Maybe you could have let Eli paint with chocolate pudding (watered down) instead of paint, but I don't know if you can keep that kind of painting-seems like it would attract bugs!! :)

Theresa said...

Cute pumpkins and the hands that decorated them:) I know it was messy but those kids will never forget it! Have a blessed day!

Emily said...

Super cute...I would never think of doing something like that with my kids but it turned out great!!! You definitely win crafty mom of the year! :)

Kelly said...

So creative and cute! I love your ideas!

Unknown said...

Those are SUPER cute!

He & Me + 3 said...

OMGosh they turned out so cute. WHat a fun time and a cute finished project.

Foursons said...

Cute pumpkins and soooo cute that the brown paint could be mistaken for chocolate!

Carrie said...

Those are SO CUTE! And look how much fun they had! {Sorry about your carpet, though}

Such a wonderful mom, you are ;) LOVE the pumpkins!

Unknown said...

Yay, I love it when kids Mod Podge. So cute!!

Heidi Boos said...

Cute project and what a good momma for letting the boys get into messes. All for the love of crafting!!! ;)

Morgane @ Bear,Dolly and Moi said...

It turned out really cute, may be not for the carpet or you, but these pumpkins are perfect. My kids are going to want to make some too...may be outside activities?

Anonymous said...

Those are great. The kids should be very proud of them!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute! What a great keepsake you can use for years to come!

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

Very cute...and the pumpkins are too! :)

Tashia said...

Just hopping over from This Blessed Nest. Very cute idea. They turned out great!!!

Tashia @ http://homeinspiredbliss.blogspot.com

nest of posies said...

how cute!!!!

they looks adorable. so do your kiddos.

thanks so much for linking up with the FALL FESTIVAL!!!!


Krista@RustikChic said...

Cute idea and it looks like your kids had fun! I'm loving those tiny handprints:)

Annie said...

these are way too cute!!! i have never made anything with mod podge BUT i bought my first bottle today!! i can't wait for craft time ;)

Jamara @ My NW Nest said...

Very cute!! Love Mod Podge! I think I'll be making a trip to the Dollar Tree for some cheap-o pumpkins!

Laurie at Turner Farm said...

so cute and your family is adorable!

Megs said...

What a fun idea! I never thought to Mod Podge pumpkins before! I love it!

kim west said...

these are adorable!!!

Nicole Joelle said...

These turned out so cute! Plus, it's such a great way to entertain the kids :)

Lisa said...

Loved the way the pumpkins turned out. Adorable!!

currentlychic.com said...

Stopping by via CSI~ Your kids are adorable! Your pumpkins are almost as cute! Will you stop by blog too and leave a comment if you like what you see?



MBC Scrapbooking said...

Found you at CSI:) These are ADORABLE!!
I blog about paper crafting and scrapbooking, and these are right up my alley- what a fabulous idea:)

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

These are adorable! Isn't it fun doing projects with the kids?! Ok, so I can totally see MP on our floor (even if we r crafting in the kitchen and the carpet is in the playroom). So I gotta know, how are you going to take the MP OFF?

- Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl said...


I'm working on a post about Halloween crafts to do with kids for TLC's Parentables website. May I have your permission to use one of your photos and link to this post?

I'd appreciate it.

Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl

Anna at www.mylifeandkids.com said...

Amazing! I'm doing this with my kids on Friday. I posted a picture and link on my blog: http://www.mylifeandkids.com/2011/10/my-top-five-halloween-crafts-to-make.html


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