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Friday, November 20, 2009

Mail Time

It is so strange to me how something as mundane as the mail can evoke such varied emotions. Depending on what is in your mailbox at the end of the day, you could be SUPER excited or maybe even a little depressed.

Junk mail is just annoying.

Bills are something you never want to see in the mailbox....unless it is a statement saying all your bills have been paid off!

Free stuff, coupons, and catalogs are almost always fun to get.

And packages are SUPER exciting!

In the past week, I have gotten some mail that has made me just a little sad.
This may sound strange, but receiving two American Girl catalogs in my mailbox in one week is just a little too much of a reminder that I don't have a little girl to buy one of those SUPER cute dolls for! I mean, really, how mean is it to send one of these {oh so cute} catalogs to house full of boys who only want to play with trucks and balls!
I remember these dolls from when I was little. They always seemed so fun and interesting, plus they all come with books. Not only are you getting a SUPER cute doll, but you are going to be smarter for reading about your doll and her special place in history! I also remember thinking that one day I would buy my daughter one of these dolls. But so far, that dream isn't coming true....because I'm pretty sure that my boys wouldn't want to play with Kirsten, Felicity, or Molly.

Getting stuff like this in the mail, seeing all the cute girls' clothes at Target, shopping at a craft show that is full of hair bows and headbands, listening to friends talk about dance classes....all these things just make my desire for a daughter even stronger.

Who knows if I will have a daughter one day?!? Maybe I was just meant to be a boys' mom. And if that is the case, then I will be SUPER happy being the mom to Henry, Grant, and Eli. But for now, every time I get a catalog {like American Girl} in the mail....I will hope and pray that one day it will make me happy instead of just a little sad!

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He & Me + 3 said...

I love getting the mail too. We just got our AG catalog too. How did they get your address? Feel free to make cute girl stuff & send it my way. I have two girls that love AG & would love some of your crafty stuff:) No pressure...just saying:)
on a positive note...if you don't have a daughter of your own...You will some day (a long time from now) be a mom to three daughters:) That will be fun!

Angie said...

I understand - I have two boys (which I actually prayed for). Only I always wanted 2 boys and a girl, in that order. I got my two boys but because of health issues, stopped short of having my girl. I know what you mean about the cute girl clothes & toys, dance classes, etc. I guess if the Lord wants me to have a girl now, He'll have to give me wisdom & direction, and bless us financially so we can adopt.

More Than Words said...


If this makes you feel any better, my daughters were never into dolls. My youngest is SCARED of them! So, even if you had a girl, she may not even like them. :)

Leslie said...

My mother in law was an all-boy mom as well, but now she's loves "her girls" as she calls us daughters-in-law. She also loves our daughter with pure delight and fascination (all the other grandkids are boys as well). She's constantly saying, "She does this so differently than the boys. So dainty." When we told her we were having a girl, her first response was, "I don't know what to DO with a girl!!!" (I reminded her quickly that she IS, IN FACT a girl. ha!) All this to say that even if God doesn't bless you with a girl of your own, doesn't mean he's not saving your "girl time" for later in life.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel! It is a little sad not to be able to buy the cute girl things, but hopefully one day we will both have a little girl of our own and if not We are both extremely blessed to have 3 Handsome little men!

Jenny said...

You are just like my sister. She has two boys, but loves all of the girly stuff she can buy for my daughter.

Carrie said...

It's not such a bad thing...because having Emily is very EXSPENSIVE! haha! Just kidding...I thought I only wanted boys...and we are still hoping to have another one, but it's been a long time trying. It's hard when things don't work out the way we plan. But you're so right! We are very fortunate to have two happy, healthy children, and if that's all God wants us to have, we are more than blessed :)

Foursons said...

I got 2 of those magazines also and wondered how the heck I got on the mailing list with 4 boys. Weird!

Mindi said...

Hang in there! I always wanted my boy and I got him!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Awww Kelli, I'm so sorry. My husband has two brothers {no sisters}, and his mom wanted a girl soooo badly. The nurses actually had to take her third baby away from her in the hospital right after he was born because she was so upset{not because she was having a third son, but because she so badly wanted a daughter}. When Jeremy and I married, I figured I was destined to be a mom to all boys too. Imagine my surprise {to this day} that we have three girls. I love it, but I know that my husband is sad not to have a boy. I'm sad not to have a son too, but cannot imagine life without my three precious girls. Just as I know you can't imagine life without your three adorable boys!

*Side note: It's impossible not to love American Girl. 90% of the girls' Christmas gifts this year are from AG. I think, if I were you, I'd buy a doll for myself ;)

Mandy T said...

I get those catalogs ALL the time and each time I get them it depresses me cause I want a little girl so bad to do girly thigs with. Who knows maybe oneday God will bless us with little girls some way or another......

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