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Monday, December 14, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT let Eli play in the kitchen this week while I sat at the counter and blogged closely supervised him. He did NOT have a blast playing with all the spoons, spatulas, tongs, ladles, vegetable peelers, and ice cream scoops. I did NOT simply pick up all the above mentioned utensils and place them back in the empty drawer when he was finished playing. I would never let my one year old play with sharp perfectly safe utensils and then put them up without giving a second thought to cleaning them.

I have NOT been SUPER lazy about putting out Christmas decorations this year. Half of my decorations did NOT go right back to the attic as soon as Jason brought them down. The other half is NOT sitting in the dining room patiently waiting for me to get a little motivation. Because of my SUPER laziness, I did NOT buy this {oh so cute} box at Hobby Lobby thinking that it would be a great {and easy} replacement for our nativity set.

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Carrie said...

I have done the same thing...I have so many decoration that didn't get out this year...oh well :) I have been the queen of lazy lately! the laundry is out of control! help! :)

Kelli said...

I didn't put out all of my stuff either. I'm so impressed with the people that have stuff all over. I love that box...and Hobby Lobby.

Angie said...

It must be an lazy epidemic because I've been the same way...love the Hobby Lobby Nativity box!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I've been lazy with the decorating, too. Half the stuff is sitting in a box behind my tree, and most of the outdoor stuff is still in the garage. Ooops.

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

I don't let Kam play with utensils either. And if I did, I would wash them well after her use ;)

TheAtticGirl said...

LOL vegetable peeler! Oh my.


Foursons said...

I didn't put out all my decorations this year either. It just seemed like such a chore!

More Than Words said...

I've always heard of Hobby Lobby, but I don't think we have one here.

And what is the deal with kitchen utensils?? My kids used to love doing that too.

Anonymous said...

Isaac asked me last night if I was ever going to finish decorating and I told him NO!!! I just wasn't into setting up everything, We have the tree and a few other thing inside the house done and the outside is decorated so I am done! I hve a drawer in the kitche for Easton that has spoons and bowls for him to play with.

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I also put a ton of my decorations right back in the box to keep safe for another year. With a kiddo around, it was all about preservation!!!


Emily said...

Oh, I'm so not guilty of the kitchen playing thing too! :)

shannon said...

I just came to your blog from mine, and loved that story. I think with regards to the kitchen floor, the three-minute-rule might get extended to the thirty-minute-rule, right? That's what I tell myself anyway! And I LOVE the name Eli.....if baby #4 is a boy, that is my top choice!

Mindi said...

This looks so familiar! haha! I have those closely supervising moments all the time! :)


Megan M. said...

Well, I'm sure glad I'm not the only one NOT not putting everything out! (I think my head just blew up. That was a LOT of negatives!) And I love the Hobby Lobby box, too! I think my Nativity will have to come out, though. If I can find a surface not covered in laundry to lay it out on! HA!

Michelle said...

So glad you didn't let your sweet babe play with all your kitchen gadgets or put them away before cleaning them! Ug.. that would be disgusting!! :)

I tried to comment earlier, but I was at work and this comment form is blocked from work. :( So glad you found me so I could comment on your post, cause I would (not) have forgotten by the time I got home!!

And about those buttons - I don't blame you. Buttons are not my friend either. I still haven't figured out how to use the button setting on my sewing machine. (sigh)

Virginia Revoir said...

Those were great! Thanks for sharing. haha. :D

He & Me + 3 said...

Whatever keeps them quiet right? My mom lets my kids sew with needles at the age of 2. Gotta love it.

Kristina said...

I would totally sacrifice clean utensils for ten minutes of peace and quiet to blog, read or even go to the bathroom by myself...no harm, no foul

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