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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Shirt Off My Back: GIVEAWAY

Lately, I have been

{just a little} obsessed
with making SUPER cute shirts
for my boys!

And now I am going to make a SUPER cute shirt just for one of you!

You get to pick the size, the color, the fabric, and the design.

But first you have to enter and win!

So here is how to enter:

For your first entry leave a comment...any comment will do!

For one extra entry, follow me and leave a comment telling me that you do.

For another entry, put my button on your blog and leave a comment telling me you did.

For one more entry, follow me on twitter and leave a comment telling that you do.

For three extra entries, blog about my giveaway linking back to this post, then leave three comments telling me you blogged.

This contest will end on Wednesday, December 9th. That way I can get the shirt made and hopefully to the winner before Christmas...just in case someone wants a Christmas shirt like this:
Pin It!


Jenilee said...

The shirts are so cute! your boys look adorable in them! :)

Jenilee said...

and I'm following on twitter!

Melanie said...

Super cute shirts!

{Kimber} said...

I sooooooo lurve these shirts!!!!

Unknown said...

Me! Me! Me! Pick me!

Unknown said...

I follow too!

Kortnie said...

These shirts are so cute!!! I wish I was able to be this creative on my own:)

Kortnie said...

I already am a follower:)

Kortnie said...

I just added your button to my blog:)

Kortnie said...

I now follow you on twitter!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Love the shirts...;) All of them!
I am a follower!!!

ABCD Diaries said...

Wow! Great job on the shirts:) Thanks!
christinbanda at yahoo dot com

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

I have your button on my sidebar scroll!!!

Kelli said...

Who baby, I love the Christmas shirt! Enter me please.

Kelli said...

I already follow...love your blog.

Kelli said...

You button has been on my blog for a while, so count me in on that too. Hey cute new layout!!!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...


Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

I'm already a follower ;)

Anonymous said...

Girl you know how much i love monogrammed and appliqued things! hehe! The shirts are really cute!

Anonymous said...

You know i follow! I have been from the beginning!

Anonymous said...

I have had your button for a long time, so add me to that one too! lol!

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter!

{Kimber} said...

I am a {loyal} follower :)

{Kimber} said...

Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnndddddddd I have your button on my blog!

{Kimber} said...

aannnnnnddddddddd I follow you on twitter {I kinda sound like a bit of a stalker}

{Kimber} said...

I blogged

{Kimber} said...

about your awesome giveaway

{Kimber} said...

over on my bloggie

whew!!! I HOPE I WIN!!!!!!!
{you should have an etsy shop!}

Carrie said...

Oh, I want Emily to have one of those, so cute and FUN!

Carrie said...

I follow!

Carrie said...

I have your button, too!

More Than Words said...

So cute! And how sweet of you to do a giveaway! Count me in!

More Than Words said...

You know I follow you!! :)

More Than Words said...

And now I'm following you on Twitter too!

Emily said...

I LOVE your shirts...I SOOOO hope I win!

Emily said...

I follow you. (btw, love the new blog look!)

Emily said...

Your button is on my blog too

Emily said...

And I follow you on Twitter

He & Me + 3 said...

You know I love these shirts.

He & Me + 3 said...

Cute new look...you know I follow your blog

He & Me + 3 said...

I have your button on my blog:) Did jill do this makeover?

Angie said...

I love your new blog header!!

Angie said...

I follow you on twitter!

E @ Scottsville said...

I am a follower now, too! Woo hoo!

E @ Scottsville said...

How weird, I left a comment saying I'd love to win one of these for my daughter Riley, but it never posed. So here's my 1st comment once again.

Leslie said...

Oooh, I love the little initial shirts! So cute!

Leslie said...

And I'm a follower as well. :)

amanda said...

first off, love the 'new' look. second off. those are the cutest shirts ever!! but i would have to pay you to make all four of my kids one. well three of the four, because i'll win the first one. ;0)

amanda said...

i also follow. and also decided that i would have you make one for the baby as well. just gender neutral. because it's goig to be 'e' anyways. :0)

Rachel said...

I love the shirts; they're SO cute! I'd have to figure out what to have you make, if I won! I'll start thinking about it!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I follow. I've been meaning to, and every time I stop by, I forget!

Heather S said...

Avery would LOVE this!!

hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com

Dee said...

How hard is it to do this? I would love to do a bunch for Isabella. She'd rock these cute little shirts!

Dee said...

I'm a faithful follower! :)

Dee said...

I already follow you on twitter too

KTW said...

Another Kelli here! :) My first visit to your blog and I love what I see! Hope you can stop by my place when you get a chance. http://kellisblessings.blogspot.com/
Love the shirts! :)

Anonymous said...

Awww how sweet. Love them. I would love one for Zoe how cute!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower of your wonderful blog!

Anonymous said...

Button is in my blogroll

Anonymous said...

Following you on twitter @KiddiesCorner and even tweeted for you :)

Miller Racing Family said...

What super cute shirts. I love the shirts that the kiddos have on at the beach, great colors.

Miller Racing Family said...

Just teamed up on your blog!

Miller Racing Family said...

Finally the button has been added. Thanks for the chance to win a super cute shirt. Have a fabulous day!

Rhonda said...

What cauuute shirts! Love them! I noticed a lot of my blog friends were followers here! Hmmm, must be missing out!

Rhonda said...

I'm now a "super follower"! Great blog!

Rhonda said...

By the way! I have 3 boys too! ;o) Just a little older now! Boys are awesome!

Heidi Boos said...

Oh, you know I'm going to want one of these!!!

Heidi Boos said...

And a follower, for sure!

Heidi Boos said...

Your blog button is on my sidebar...and has been for awhile! ;)

Jennifer W. said...

These are so cute!!

Jennifer W. said...

I follow!

Jennifer W. said...

I have your button.

Kelly said...

I love the shirts you make...actually I love everything that you make. Crafty mama! :)

Kelly said...

I follow

Kelly said...

I have your button too

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