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Friday, February 5, 2010

6 Degrees of Yum-Even Without Bacon!

6 Layer Mexican Dip
{which can also be 7, 8, or 9 layer dip depending on what you like!} This is a SUPER yummy dip that I make sometimes. It is as easy as layering stuff on a plate.

#1 Spread a whole can of refried beans on a platter.
#2 Add a layer of browned and seasoned hamburger meat
#3 Spread on a layer of sour cream.
#4 Sprinkle on a layer of grated cheese.
#5 Top with lettuce.
#6 And some cut up tomatoes.

Sometimes we add in other layers too like

Whatever you decide to add, serve it will scoops or tortilla chips and you will have a yummy Mexican fiesta in your mouth!

p.s. Bonus points {and maybe even a prize} awarded to anyone who gets my {probably not as clever as I think it is} Bacon reference in the title of this post!

And don't forget to hop over to Mimi'sand enter FREE 4 All Fridays too!


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Kelli said...

Maybe THIS is what I'll take to my Super Bowl party. Thanks...it looks very tasty. I'm clueless about the bacon but if I think of something I'll comment again. I'll be interested to see what it means.

{Kimber} said...

no clue about the Bacon?!? I'm stumped!!

Miller Racing Family said...

What a great dip! You know we are all things Mexican in this house.
So I am sticking my neck out there and saying then bacon comment has to do with the layered salad that you use bacon with? To tell the truth I am really clueless.
Have a great weekend!

amanda said...

i'm way too picky to eat that, but i know that it's probably yummy.

in wisconsin we have 7-layer salad and it has bacon bits or bacon in/on it. is that what you're talking about? i'm not even sure of all the layers...only because i don't eat it!!

The Tesdalls said...

Does the bacon reference have to do with the 6 degrees of separation and Kevin Bacon?

Darcie said...

Girl....I am trading in my lukewarm oatmeal for your picture. I soon as I saw it on my dashboard I was saying, YUM!!!

Have a great weekend.

Dee said...

We do the same thing but put it in a casserole dish!

Angie said...

OMGoodness...I am starving and that looks so yummy!!!

Myya said...

Mmmm yummy! I knew right away about the 6 degrees & bacon thing... Isn't that weird that you can really do that with Kevin Bacon???

More Than Words said...

YUM! I love that!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That looks yummy! I thought of 6 degrees of seperation with Kevin Bacon!

Elizabeth said...

I am going to make this for the game on Sunday! Thanks!!

Leslie said...

Oh, Kevin Bacon! Did you ever hear him talk about the game 6 Degrees? He always HATED it, but then started some charity (don't remember for what) based on it, which I think is funny. :)

LOVE layered taco dip. :)

He & Me + 3 said...

Thanks Kelli for the heads up.
That is one of my favorite party dishes. I love me some layered mexican dip. YUM

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Ohhhh, I need to make that right away! I love dips and snack foods!


Kerri said...

haha... I get the joke... It is Kevin Bacon's band! Clever very Clever! : )

KTW said...

I LOVE this stuff! I make it in a 13"x9" pan though, and I use salsa. I also like to throw jalapenos on my serving! :)

Great sense of humor, BTW. ;) Love the Kevin Bacon reference.

KTW said...

Meant to add...you can do this dip in individual servings in custard cups/ramekins. It eliminates the issue of 'double dipping' ;) PLUS you can customize it to each person's taste....no olives for one, less sour cream for another, etc.

Stephanie said...

Mexican is one of our favorite meals in my house! I could eat it every single night!!!!!

McCrakensx4 said...

oh so yummy! We love that dip here!

Just wondering...is the cup you made me dishwasher safe?

Carrie said...

LOL at the post...does it have to do with 6 Degrees of separation with Kevin Bacon? haha! THat dip looks delicious! I am so hungry right now! YUM!

Bits-n-Pieces said...

YUM!! ooh you evil woman!! tempting me with that heavenly looking snack, AND with thoughts of Kevin Bacon!! Oh to be Kyra Sedgewick!! lol

Your's looks so much better than some I had at a meeting the other day!

Bits-n-Pieces said...

Guess what!! I just gave you an award! I know I know...you are too excited for words!! I hope you like it tho!! :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That's my favorite!!! Now I'm hungry for some.

Emily said...

Yum! That is one of my favorite snacky foods!

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