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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Baking FAIL

Things started out so promising.
I mean, mixing cookies and candy...you just can't wrong there!
They looked so cute before I put them in the oven.
And they looked pretty good coming out of the oven too.
That is until I tried to take them off the pan!
This was my first {and last} attempt at making Stained Glass cookies!
I did end up with some SUPER cute and oh so yummy Valentine's cookies {without the stained glass center} that I will post about next week:)

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Anonymous said...

Great minds think alike! :) This is what I did Thursday too. We had a homeschool Valentine party friday so we made heart shaped cookies also with the same cookie cutters. I will have to post some pics this week also. I used a new icing recipe and it worked great. I have never tried the stain glass cookies.

Miller Racing Family said...

Bless your heart. I feel your pain as I am not a baker. Give me a main dish and we will have no problems but cookies are another story. I leave all the hard baking to my mom.
I hope you have a great weekend!

He & Me + 3 said...

YOu have broken hearts. lOL They do look pretty. That is a bummer...what do you think happened?

Foursons said...

Hmmm...what do you think happened? They were really cute!

Kelli said...

I wonder what made them stick? They look really cute though.

Carrie said...

OH darn...they looked so cute! Could you still eat any of it? I would've eaten what I could have gotten unstuck, haha!

Angie said...

Awww man. They looked so cute. Bummer.

Stephanie said...

HaHa well they did look good beforehand :)

Anonymous said...

Oh that stinks. They looked great and yummy! Wonder what happened?

More Than Words said...

Oh bummers! But, did you get to eat them? LOL

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Oh man, I hate that. But they looked gorgeous. And I'll bet they tasted good too. I don't know I'd call it a fail :)

Emily said...

They are so pretty...do you know what went wrong?

Nocona said...

That is too bad those were cute.

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